It’s not to get Arms nerfed by any means, I just think it’s an overall interesting topic.
Just as a discussion, not saying anything needs to change, I just wonder if Arms has too many “defensive” style talents, and if those should be redesigned and if doing so, does that open the door for any new Paladin abilities…
Prime Example is the PvP Talent Duel.
20 yd range
Instant 1 min cooldownYou challenge the target to a duel. While challenged, all damage you and the target deal to all targets other than each other is reduced by 50%. Lasts 12 sec.
Thematically, I get why Warriors would have Duel as a talent, but again as just a point of discussion, even though the talent isn’t really that good, and hardly ever taken, could this be repurposed for Paladins in some way?
I think it’s great Warriors have things like Champion’s Spear, Intervene and Rally, but slightly question if things like Duel, Safeguard, and Master and Commander, are misplaced. Again, does it give Arms too much “defensive potential?”
Also, again just for the sake of discussion, things like Dragon’s Charge going to Arms, while Ret doesn’t get Steed of Glory?
Dragon Charge
Replaces Heroic Leap
Instant 45 sec recharge
1 ChargesRun at high speed at a distance in front of you. All enemies in your path will take (70% of Attack power) Physical damage and be knocked back.
Steed of Glory
Requires level 20Your Divine Steed lasts for an additional 2 sec.
While active you become immune to movement impairing effects, and you knock back enemies that you move through.
Why does Arms get their knock back Prot Talent, but Paladins don’t? Which makes more sense? One or the other? Both?
Ultimately it comes down to the topic of engaging abilities, and why Paladin’s never feel like they get first dibs.