Paladin Nerfs

being a 100% dps spec and a 67% healer on top of that is beyond mitigation. not to mention unlike almost all dps mitigation, you can use it on your team as well. 20% less on the wogs isn’t going to remove ret viability, it’s just not letting you be a 2nd healer and keeping a dps up while your actual healer sits a full cc chain

I think we’re arguing the same point here lol. I agree the flat 20% instead of looking at talents is heavy handed, and probably indicative of blizz not wanting to balance the tree just for pvp. but Ive only been talking about baseline abilities as a measure of effectiveness, which isn’t going to change regardless of where that 20% comes from

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No, it’s logical. Baseline effects everything, legendary only effects legendary.

That is a very specific and stark difference.

But that’s not the argument you’ve been making.


I think rets needed an effective 20% healing nerf, and I’ve been saying that this whole thread lol. heavy handed == overdone. I think it shows some pretty strong bias into what blizz wants to balance and what blizz doesn’t want to touch ie talent trees, but the 20% needed to come from somewhere.

Got bored.

Saw the upcoming pvp changes.

Raced to the class forums.

Have not been disappointed so far lol.

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Where? Where did you ever say 20% before today, before this nerf was reported?

You’re not “thinking” this is what should happening, you’re parroting a point because you want Retribution to be nerfed.

Your wants are not logical.

what are you even talking about lmao, I genuinely have no idea what you’re trying to say.

I “think” the nerf is justified, I “think” ret healing was overtuned. what does “parroting a point” even mean. do I need to have made forum posts calling for this exact nerf before I came in this thread? you are unhinged lmao

Don’t even need to make a post.

Yeah the right nerf for wog should’ve been healing hands, so if it became bad we could’ve just played selfless healer and keep wog being reasonable and more balanced in my opinion.

But a 20% nerf isnt massive honestly, it’s just gonna be very strong on top of our very strong damage right now. So we’re still gonna be very good.

The high end 30k wog will be turned to 24k. So the spec is still gonna be very strong.

man its very obvious why u keep ur profile hidden lmao.

Thanks for admitting you lost the argument.

20% is a huge nerf, there is no way around that. That said, the criticism isn’t the amount, it’s about Blizzard’s tact.

See, nerfs are much harder to revert than buffs. Blizzard is notorious about not reverting nerfs. Doing a HUGE nerf to the BASELINE ability instead of doing incremental nerfs is a damning situation where, lo and behold, if WoG has room to be buffed, Blizzard’s very, very likely to not buff it.

If the ideal range to nerf WoG is actually 10%, we’re already DOUBLE that amount, and the chances of us getting that amount back are miniscule.

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Ever think maybe the baseline was too much to begin with?

rets doing more healing than priest in arena, and you thinks that ok loooool… if anything they need to gutt that ability it should never heal for more than 15% of ur hp.

Right now, my Word of Glory heals 19% of my HP, so the change they’ve made is almost exactly in line with your desire.

That’s before counting Healing Hands, so if you take the talent and you’re using it on someone just on the brink of death, it’ll get as high as ~25% (with current numbers, ~30%). When you see heals higher than that, they’re crits and probably during cooldowns. I know “WoG is LoH” is a widespread meme at this point, but it is not literally true.

(Or if you’re saying that crits during cooldowns should heal 15% - which would mean that non-crits outside cooldowns would heal for maybe 1k - then lol, you’re going to be waiting a long time.)

Maybe. Doesn’t warrant a 20% nerf, what do you think the odds are that Blizzard buffs WoG after finding out they overshot the nerf by 10%?

0 tbh. They might nerf the conduit too.

I’d bet money they nerf ret more before they revert this nerf lmao

No, I don’t, because I know the base values, and they are pretty tame… My WoGs, without Healing Hands (the thing that is actually a problem, it buffs WoG by up to 70%) at my Ilvl, heal for about 6700 in PvP, a 20% heal in the current game is not remotely excessive when you consider that:

  1. we have no reliable defensives between the 5 minute cooldown of Divine Shield. Shield of Vengeance breaks in 1-2 hits and BoP can be dispelled by literally half of the classes in the game, and can be simply bypassed (with magic damage) by most of the ones that can’t.

  2. everyone and their mother is capable of landing hits regularly that do 20% or more of a target player’s health in damage.


  1. If you’re in arenas, any defensives that rely on healing get weaker as dampening ramps up

With fast TTK comes the need for fast healing for those classes which rely on it for their survivability… This is only logical.

Healing Hands should have been nerfed, not WoG itself, WoG itself was not overpowered, only Healing Hands was causing problems (for Ret anyways).

And what happens when all Blizzard had to do was nerf the conduit and not baseline WoG? What happens if you find out the 20% nerf was unwarranted and should be undone?

What do you think the odds are then?

Dps specs shouldn’t have heals anyway. But since “hybrids” exist, you best expect it to get nerfed.

Only people mad about this nerf are ret Paladins that expect to heal like a holy paladin and do insane damage.

You can’t use mobility as an excuse here. Listing to this divinity guy is comical. Prob why he’s never had a real rating in PvP.

But here he is always trying to talk like he has experience lol.