Paladin Nerfs

TLDR hurry up and get glad while you have all the help you can get!

That’s a nonsensical view to have.

Heals are defensives, just a different kind.

Mitigation, absorbs, heals, all serve the same purpose in different ways.

You can argue that we shouldn’t be able to heal others as well as we heal ourselves, and I’d agree with that 100%, but to say that no one should have selfheals is absurd… Selfhealing has been a major part of every hybrid DPS spec’s defensive kit since the game launched, if you don’t like that, you may be playing the wrong game, and as far as that goes, it’s that way in every MMO that has hybrids (which is most of them), so you may just be playing the wrong genre entirely.

But then, you’re the guy with an admitted bias against hybrids, so no one should take anything you say on this forum seriously, as you are obviously incapable of being objective.

Sometimes the truth hurts my friend. Your lack of experience shows that.

Your incessant whining shows your lack of experience, I’m 100% convinced you bought your rating, otherwise you’d be in your own forums asking for Survival buffs instead of trolling around other forums.


I’m not whining I was right and it worked out in my favor. You are here whining that you didn’t get your way. Lol

Ahem, interpreting for the normal person:

*Game design should follow MY wants.

*Only people who are mad are the ones I think shouldn’t exist

*LOL I can have stuff but you can’t

*I like to forego logical arguments in favor of touting authority


You are whining, and just because something happened doesn’t mean you were right. Blizzard does stuff wrong all the time, like turning Survival into a half-assed melee spec, for example. Ruined many people’s favorite hunter spec for something that no one asked for.

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On what basis?

I mean, for sure we can talk about where DPS healing “should” be, and whether it makes sense for offhealing to be a major part of a spec’s group utility like Ret usually has. SL offhealing is definitely more powerful than it has been in many expansions.

But on what basis do you think that no DPS specs should have any healing?

Now we have 0 mobility and gimpy heals.

He doesn’t have any basis, hes got an admitted hatred for hybrids, it stems from that and nothing else, he thinks that hybrid tax should still exist. His brain is still stuck in 2006.

Seems to be a theme here of low experience paladins commenting. Odd I don’t see any players that have experience in the content supporting it. Lol

It’s still the same people in the conversation as before, dude. Yes, we haven’t hit 1800 since the last time you checked.

I remain curious why you think no DPS should have heals.

Yeah, 15k TVS if the stars align, we pray to the light, nd the Titans look down on us lovingly will we hit a 15k Crit. If you are so concerned about a 15K crit, why on earth are you not complaining about rogeus who can RELIABLY crit us for 15K?

Or for the love of god give us some kind of swappable talent to address our glaringly obvious lack of answers to any kind of magic dps.

So— I agree with you here. I wish they had actually addressed this on a micro level than a macro one. But maybe now it actually might be viable to pick Justicar’s Vengeance (probably not) or Selfless Healer? With SH, we can just go full monke and zug zug our HP as DPS, and throw out Flashes?

The reason I think they nerfed WoG instead of those talents was because they weren’t just looking at Ret & Prot, like the rest of these smooth brain, non-paladins are coming in here to celebrate about. All these schadenfreude celebrateurs are in here because they want Prot dead and Ret weak again.

Blizz saw that, and Holy Paladin as a top performer and said, you know what, let’s hit all 3. They hit WoG because they wanted to include Holy Paladin in the nerfs and bring it more in line with the other top performers.

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The nerfs are fine. We all know the healing was on the strong side.

While it makes the Healing Hands talent mandatory. Its not like you ever swapped from that talent before this nerf so dont act like anything major has changed.

Our healing will still be good. If anyone actually bothered reviewing healing and their own WoGs you’ll see a lot of times when it heals hard (when it crits) youre usually over healing.

Our healing during wings is still great, and outside of wings will still be good as well. If you set up a proper CC chain onto healer into a offensive CD pop on kill target, a ret paladin (outside of wings) shouldnt be able to just negate that with 1 or 2 WoGs without blowing CDs himself or getting good crits.

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Listen… this guy is a regular troll in here. He will egg you on and insult you, act super elitist, and then report you on the first expletive you use, so be careful. Him and a couple other regulars will put you on and off block too, and pick and choose when they want to see your comments.

I’d just completely ignore the schadenfreude goers in here to rub salt in wounds, to be honest.

… What Ret is healing during wings?! Haha. If you bother healing during wings you either a) already triggered their defensives and are now in standby mode or b) you’re wasting your wings.

  1. There will be times you’ll have to use 3 holy power, during wings, to heal urself.

  2. Defensives (like Cloak of Shadows, Karma, Astral Shift etc etc) doesnt mean they wont push for more dmg. Ret paladin Defensives are notoriously bad, we either get immunity for 8sec or take full on dmg.

  3. Theres a reason ur stuck at 1400 with a 48% win rate.

During reckoning proc when you’re not able to do a burst/cc go and you’re getting pressured and your healer is in a CC.

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Aight big guy… I’ll be back when my ELO matters. Give me a week.