Paid option to 'bank' our Wrath era characters? Please

It was on release and still is, at least Era itself. Era was never popular to begin with.

Yes and no. While old players leave, newer come. Each expansion has brought different kind of players. Not everyone just thinks about the first 3 expansions. For many current players, Legion feels like what for some Wrath is. Legion plays very different to current WoW.

Maybe, maybe not. Its hard to say. Besides that Vanilla is always available, so it would just be 2 versions, MoP and Legion can hold their ground and we have to see and wait if it can keep up with the other Classic expansions. Only time will tell.

While I feel that, them doing fresh Era servers gives them more money as you have to spend more time ingame.

I don’t disagree here. They will lose steam but they will also have a lot of players even if its 5 to 10 servers only that want to go through content they may have missed. Probably worth it. Whereas if they did Era servers for expansion it would be ultra fragmented. Classic era wasn’t really that successful. They still have servers but thats because people paid to be there. How many of those are actually active? Not too many. Personally my favorite era was TBC and they didn’t offer that so I’m good with just progressing thru.

WoTLK was the tru beginning of “retail” with easy mode heroic dungeons and the advent of heroic raiding.

For instance…I am not ultra excited for Cata but it will be fun for a little bit. I am super excited and hopeful for MOP and Legion since I wasn’t able to sustain play during those expansions. Life just got in the way of gaming. I would love to finish the MoP storyline and Legion stuff that was removed from the game.

Alternatively, they could just add these things back to the retail version and allow you to self progress through the game but I don’t see that happening.

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That’s really why I want Era servers. I would like to fully enjoy these expansions but I don’t have the time to commit to it during the limited time that they are available.

This is my problem to. And I refuse to buy boosts and tokens and all that other bullcorn. Or spend gold in game for power boosting services.

I just want a place where I can take my sweet time, and eventually get to the clear point in wrath classic. I wasn’t as big into cata although I do want to revisit it. Just not now with not having the option to do a permanent wrath classic era realm. This was my favorite version of the game. Always will be.

I think as time goes on, we will see. My heart just isn’t into wow right now. The crowd Of players I am part of are slowly fading away.

And they also removed alot of content from the game to in cata. Wrath removed a couple things, but nothing to noticeable. I mean, vanilla naxx and onyxias lair and I think something else. But I definitely play retail in such a crazy like, wierd and not normal way compared to the people that actually play retail.

I mean, take my monk for example. I leveled him in BFA, and I basically went with a 1 h weapon in my main hand and never dual wielded until level 20. You couldn’t dual wield on most classes until lvl 20 in wrath so that was how I did it. As well as numerous other oldschool things.

I just want permanent wrath classic for that reason to. It was more accessible than vanilla classic or bc classic. And was just easier in general for leveling. The permanent vanilla era server that we got I wasn’t interested in at all. And I really didn’t like classic plus or SOM or hardcore classic.

Cataclysm pulls all that stuff away. Especially the old overworld. I also liked the end game of wrath and the pvp of wrath the most to. The 5 man dungeons were also cool. I just want to be able to experience the full extent of wrath classic with a permanent era server option. That would be cool. We just have severely limited options currently right now in my op.

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Yea 5 is not enough. 5 years ago we had 1. Lets have 400000 version of wow! lets goooo. The more the merrier. Who cares about how many people play on these versions as long as I have the feeling there are options to play.
I think classic was mistake exactly cause of people like you.

Yeah, we all have our individual dreams of the prefect wow. I’d like to start over with vanilla with dual spec and rdf. I’d like rdf to have personal loot so no ninja-ing. I’d like mage runs and any other way to get boosts without playing the game banned. No JJ or heirlooms or nerfs of any kind. I’ve got probably a dozen more changes but since we’re never going to get the Feywaif version of wow I’ve never fully fleshed it out. It would appeal to a small group of players, but I’d bet that group would be larger than the wrath era forever group. The number of versions has to be limited and I’m not upset that my version is limited out.


2 years is hardly limited time…

Your ask and your reasoning don’t line up.

We should get unlimited time to play any given expansion. Especially one you really like.
Just my op though.

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TBC was 14 months. It was very rushed. Casual players just don’t have the time to keep up with the content gorgers. These expansions without Era support is just not a great experience for those that don’t have a lot of time to keep up.

That’s just bad game design honestly, having more options isn’t good for an MMO this isn’t a single player game we need others to have a good server experience.

The irony is there’s never been more options. :rofl:

By the way, one of them is to play Wrath right now. Instead they quit Wrath Classic because there won’t be an Era server for the expansion. The most illogical and self-defeating response that could be executed.

The almost 2 years mentioned was in reference to Wrath as by the time Cata comes out Wrath will have been out for at least 22 months.

You can argue TBC got shorted a little at only 14 months and I personally would agree with that. Imo they messed up the cadence of that expansion and basically just decided towards the end to cave and give people the expansion they thought many were waiting on.

I do however feel that for most of these a 18ish ( I would be fine with 20) month pacing feels about right. Now I have not played them before so obviously if some massive and engaging expansion lies ahead I would be fine with a little longer.

Ya and that was the problem. No options before. Limited options now.

I mean, we wanted classic wow, because cata and beyond wasn’t as good. Now we have vanilla options, which are stupid options, and some of us want some wrath classic and bc classic options.

You think you want more options, but you don’t. Some of you might as well just tell us that. We want more options. The ones we have aren’t enough.

Like why is that the only option we have is to play permanent vanilla era or any of it’s other server styles. Like hardcore or classic plus. Why can’t I play wrath classic servers for life If I bloody want to. Vanilla classic players get what they want, but to heck with the wrath classic and bc classic players I guess.

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They could have 1000 options, but if one isn’t your ideal scenario you’ll spam about it every day. It’s not about options. It’s about your preferred option.

Which, by the way, they gave you. So play it. If your argument is “But I can’t do it forever!!!”… then don’t get out of bed in the morning. Nothing lasts forever. Live in the moment and enjoy it while you can.


We got Classic because people missed the old world of Azeroth, “Experience Azeroth before the Cataclysm” was the tagline of Classic and they delivered, we have Classic Era servers which shows how Azeroth looked before the Cataclysm.

The options we have atm are plenty, having more and more verions of the game is bad for the game overall. You’re shooting yourself in the foot by asking for more versions of the game because there needs to be enough people to populate the servers which will likely not happen because people generally follow the herd.

Well there’s Classic SoD, Hardcore, Era, Progression or Retail. Take your pick

Because it’s not up to you to decide what gets added and what doesn’t. Also, you can play it forever, just play a private server if you want to play WotLK that badly.

Or play WotLK on official Blizzard servers while you can and cherish what little time you have left with it.

no, we dont need the player base spread even more thin

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They already went on record to say Cata will have a fast release cadence.

Here is the thing though. Not everyone just wants to play one toon and no alts to fully experience an expansion and not everyone wants to commit their limited recreational time to just WoW. Era allows the more casual players to enjoy an expansion of their preference without being moved along before they are ready.

It’s fine if they don’t want to cater to players like me but I’m decided to drop off the progression expansions as a result and will stick with Classic Era until they add support for other expansions Era servers.


Plenty of people that have played alts are sick of Wrath. Wrath has been out for 4 years on official servers and almost 16 years on pservers. How long do you need to play an expansion that is designed to last 2 years

That’s not casual gameplay anymore if you need 4 years to have seen everything of Wrath. That’s just laziness or not liking what is coming next (which both are fine but don’t sell it as you want to experience Wrath more)

See you. But keep in mind that you sub is a sub so you going Classic Era doesn’t mean anything for Blizzard

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Not sure why you’d want to be on a server full of PVP bots, the same 5 arena queues, people being toxic in gammas, and paying to be able to raid in ICC or provide logs. Do you though!


Honestly, not sure you know what the word rushed means…
Rushed would be 2 months per phase…which honestly is what it should be.
14 months and 4 of it was P1 and excessively long

The game literally takes like 2 weeks to finish the storyline and level up as a casual player. too 100% everything is not an entitlement. It is for those with high playtime.

If you mean keep up in BIS gear - well quite honestly it’s not socialism. Not all in game characters are equal.

You sound like you want to play about 4 hours a week and be equal to someone playing 4 hours per day. Which, honestly is a you problem, not a blizzard or community problem.