Paid Character Transfers Now Available

Good point, as usual, Stevas.

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Another added feature.

Thank you Blizzard! :slight_smile:

When will the option to xfer off an account to another account be avilable? I was unable to find that option when looking at the payed character xfer.

Not true, many people don’t have 75 bucks to throw on main and 2 alts to move realms, free ones were such an issue cause you could easily do it on all your toons. 25 bucks per aint cheap.

so can you transfer from rp realm to pvp realm?

Oh it’s true and has absolutely happened before in retail wow. It takes longer than when free transfers are available, but it still happens.

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Nope, because you ignored the whole part of “people don’t have money to throw away” there will be some who transfer sure, but you’re as bright as a pile of manure if you think entire server factions can afford it.

Actually, I think you’re speaking Ewok there.

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I much prefer the more surprise element, when it comes to Paid Transfers. Wouldn’t want people to be farming materials/stacking on Gold, just to transfer over so quickly. IK, it’s still going to happen, but at least it won’t be so immediate :cocktail:


While I admit it wouldn’t have hurt them (or us) to put up a blue post on the Classic forum a week ago saying something like:

“Paid transfers will be going live on X and will have the following conditions: etc etc”.

I don’t agree that knee jerk reactions result from shock. They result more likely from frustration and possibly plenty of cash to splash around taking toons from one server to another. I know for sure that at this time I’m not handing them any of my ill-gotten gains to take a character anywhere. That has nothing to do with emotional responses and everything to do with finances.

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they transfer with u… but if u transfer in the middle of the week the honor u gained for that week does not go with u… so reset is the best day to transfer

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Probably not.

They used to only allow PvP to PvP or PvP to PvE or PvE to PvE.

PvE to PvP was prohibited. Since RP realms that are not listed as PvP are considered PvE, you couldn’t do that.

Now RP-PvP to PvP would work.

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Ok, so transfer right after the weekly reset has been conducted :blush::+1:

I have a feeling the complaints would roll in that players are then able to farm a bunch in prep for moving and how unfair it is to the economies.

So the masses of people crying about faction imbalance and having no alternative can shut up for a couple days until they realized servers will be just as imbalanced and that their deadbeat servers will likely be more dead since anyone is going to leave.

Three of my friends on Skeram have already pay transferred to Faerlina.

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That’s what they want, that’s how they planned it. Anything to get the money flowing into their pockets.

Came to thread to see how long it would take to see someone complain, first reply is a complaint. Not disappointed.

it can be bought with balance, so tokens via gold on live servers should work

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Yup. Because you ignored the whole part of “some people will transfer and some will just quit”.

During faction collapse, the population shrinks enough that guilds can no longer recruit. Major guilds transfer. The remnant slowly dies out from attrition due to quitting, rerolling, and server transfers.

It starts with open paid transfers.