K Calm down sis, i’ve already done this on both types of servers. I’m well aware of the pros and cons.
And most people farming honor @ 60 weren’t leveling at Phase 2 - they were already max level. So stop being slow?
K Calm down sis, i’ve already done this on both types of servers. I’m well aware of the pros and cons.
And most people farming honor @ 60 weren’t leveling at Phase 2 - they were already max level. So stop being slow?
lmao yep, alliance side whitemane (one of the fullest servers and actually decently balanced) is already being flooded with xfers. really looking forward to our 1500 person primetime queues doubling, genius blizzard, thanks!
Free transfers were a little different though. People get to pick where they want to go with paid.
What everyone should do is just think this through for a bit but knowing this playerbase’s knee jerk reactions as I do… lol…blizz probably already cleared a couple million in the few hours this has been available.
Next week people will complain about the cooldown being too long and they picked the wrong server.
It’s not hard to level on a pvp server. It never has.
Are we forgetting about the Alliance experience on significantly imbalanced PvP servers during Phase 2?
Announcing a date instead of just launching paid transfers would have reduced any knee jerk reaction. Knee jerk reactions happen in response to shock.
More like, those corporations will harvest your data(you agree to it when you install the app), then sell it off and from there, it goes everywhere.
You also start receiving way more junkmail and advertisement spam. So, yay?
I hope getting rank 10 is going to be a doable thing if half the neck beard population transfers to my realm. No epeen involved in my ranking. I just want a serviceable set of gear, since I don’t see myself getting it any other way on this realm.
Allow pve players to transfer to pvp. Some of us made a mistake. No reason we should suffer for it forever. I and my brother both have rogues on Mankrik we’ve wanted to put in pvp ever since our friend group slowly stopped playing with us. Please allow at least a small time period for these particular situations.
Are there account transfers?
Are there plans for account-account transfers (between the same owner) in the future?
Leveling a character on a new server takes time and keeping us in the dark until the last second is wasting people’s time that they could be spending leveling if knew that’s the only option they are left with.
What happens with your honor points and ranking if you server transfer?
Yea because nobody ever thought blizz was going to add paid transfers to classic. A Vanilla feature that would definitely produce money.
Oh and they just happened to add the framework last week. Yup. Totally shocked and blindsided. This is my shocked face.
Knee jerk reaction meaning this community flips out about well. Pretty much everything.
Like I said ealier. Next week it will be the cooldown on transfers because people once again. Picked the wrong server.
The way I see it. Blizz just took the leash off. Yea sure it costs $25 but now it’s really on the players. Not happy with your server? Make a choice. I highly recommend rolling some alts into at least the 30’s to get a feel for the server but remember. It’s a dynamic ever changing world. No guarantees.
Because trusting the players from the Horde to get tired of their numbers advantage and transfer to a server where they’d get more of a fight worked so well when transfers were free.
This is a player made problem and Blizzard wont do squat to remedy it because they’d rather piss off the 10% who want a fight than the 90% who don’t.
Please make a LFGuild sub forum separate from guild that are LFM
ohh nonono PepeLaugh
you enjoy competing with 2x the amount of people for a quest tag? lol
real talk I didn’t know dungeon grinding was harder on a PVP server
PvP leveling was only made difficult after P2.
Well, duh. Ofc it’s about the money. The free Transfers had way more restrictions on it, though. Compared to the Paid Transfers
Eh, they would have made way more a couple weeks ago when leveling was all but impossible even on balanced realms.
Unreal. I can get me some of the NA queue action at last!!