Paid Character Transfers Now Available

Sure but to be fair, retail isn’t really worth anything atm. Maybe shadowlands…maybe.

Regardless, you are paying $15/month for both, so $25 for a transfer isn’t crazy

Free transfers were offered multiple times and long before just a month ago. Blizzard is not responsible for people choosing not to utilize those transfers. Why should alliance players who didn’t transfer when it was offered for free have to pay for it now? Because they didn’t utilize the free transfers that were offered. Player choices =/= Blizzard “f’ing up the server”.

Unbalanced servers didn’t happen over night. It didn’t spring up on people unexpectedly. Blizzard has 0 control over what server and which faction people choose to play on. Everyone crying about imbalance had/has free options. Transfers, reroll, etc. They chose not to do any of those things and now it’s some how Blizzard’s fault?

Give me a break. Have some personal accountability for your own actions and stop crying.


Players didn’t all end up on the same server because Blizzard put a player cap on each realm. Queue times encouraged people to spread out and play on different realms.

If Blizzard had wanted to, they could have exerted control over faction balance in a similar manner.


And this is only about PvP servers. Blizzard has been in this business for 15+ years now for MMOs. They knew that PvP server balance matters, they absolutely did as obviously they did that in the past.

For them to release classic PvP servers and not do a single thing to attempt server balance was pathetic. They did nothing at all, zero. That is THEIR fault. Anyone stuck on a imbalanced pvp server should put in a ticket for a free server transfer and not pay $$$ for Blizzard’s zero management of their own game - their own PvP servers. And it’s not even the money it’s the idea.

They are not a new company so they have no excuse.

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Bull crap. They sure as shizz could have dictated that since Faction A [let’s say Horde] on day 3 of Classic’s release outnumbered Faction B [Alliance] by a 3 to 1 ratio, that they were now locking new Horde character creation until server balance was achieved. That is called managing their MMO’s long term health on a PvP server. Something they did not do.

The people who really wanted to play the game, especially those who wanted to play on pvp servers, would have been fine with that. Blizzard did this half arsed and it is pathetic for them to shaft PvP server players with a fee for transfers.

They created a problem and now we got to pay cash to fix it, great job blizzard, totally not a scam what so ever.


oh no that one guy! Who paid 50 bucks! Run!

So whenever someone gets too close to the truth, always remember: use the “tinfoil hat” insult. I’m sure that won’t look suspicious or anything…

That is classic way. You have to earn it to get on PvP server.

The fact is Blizz knew what they were doing. Free Xfers let people go from the original server they were on to one THEY chose for them to go. It didn’t work as those servers were underpop and dead. So blizz is a business and they want to make money now they offer xfers to bring those folks back who were stuck on dead servers and about to quit the game. A gambit that worked in my case. I was never one of those crying types about imbalance I just wanted to play the game on a populated server . I am now and they made 75 bucks today just from my 3 xfers.

Oh you paid 75 bucks

Yeah cause I’m not poor or some wage slave and can do that

Cry more

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Players are not new to this either. Players could have organized better. Dare I say cross faction collusion to balance the servers ourselves?
Nope. The player base was more concerned with avoiding streamers and anyone who didn’t speak english.
How much of this imbalance was due to people picking pvp servers with no intentions of wpvpin? Most, if not all of the complaints about balance were from people who’s access to instanced pve content was being hindered by wpvp.

Oh right. No one knew larger populations on a pvp ruleset server was going to cause more wpvp. 15 years. Let me say that again. 15 years.

You want balance? Make balance. Now. There’s literally no excuse. Play where you want to play.
Players are going to make or break this.



Except for the no restrictions on certain factions / server thing.

Some severs will be completely one sided…

Then save your money and start a new toon on a low pop PvP server if it’s easy.

$34 Australian… wow. That’s almost 2 months sub or a bunch of games on sale >.<

When I clicked on the transfer button on my 2nd character yesterday there was no option to “transfer to another account”
Is this intentional?
Example: I have 2 level 60s, I want to transfer one to a different account under my same account, so that I will be paying two different subscriptions, and can play both characters at the same time.

Thanks for the help anyone!

And that’s fine or it would be if servers had actually ended up with relatively balanced factions. But noone could have predicted ahead of time what servers were going to end up with massive population scews one way or the other.

That the factions on the good side of that chose to take advantage of that fact is indeed a player choice. And guess what if they end up with single faction servers that is entirely their own fault not the fault of the players who left.

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Why does it matter so much? How does it harm your game?

According to this Blue post in CS, it is intentional.

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I remember when $25 was alot of money too, I was about 10 at the time.