Excellent news man. Now complete the circle and allow players to transfer Classic Toons One way from Classic to Retail. It’ll give a constant flow of new players to Classic, which can only improve the leveling process.
Moreover, there are a lot of players that have items that they got in Vanilla, but because of how prohibitive the current rules are, many transmogs that the player earned is not unlocked because of “armor” type.
Case and point my Paladin got and used Alanna’s Embrace in Vanilla. I used it to heal. It was my armor. Yet I cannot transmog it now, because the GMs refuse to unlock it due to being the wrong armor type, and there was no chance for me to recover it on a Cloth wearer as the Dungeon Boss was removed before Transmog existed.
In advance also since I know there will be some Vanilla era players who complains about people getting Corrupted Ashbringers or Ati’esh etc. They should remember this.
Should a new Classic player earn said item, then they have gained it in the same way as you (or potentially harder as you could of gained it during BC). Thus they have as much a right to use it as you, and should be allowed to use it on retail as well. You have had 15 years of being special. It should be other people’s turn now.
Member how reputation and your name was supposed to matter?
Member how your realm choice was supposed to be for the long haul?
Member how ninjas were supposed to be punished?
Member how Blizzard locked Alliance from transferring off unbalanced realms for free only to let them transfer anyway few weeks later for 25$?
Can fanboys finally give up and admit Classic is a cash grab already?
I’m glad saw it coming and decided to play other games. GL to those that now have to deal with this mess. Looking forward to the “just lost my tanks/top dps to a guild from another realm” drama when BWL hits.
Wow $15 a month for a relic and now you want full price of $25 to realm transfer for a game that barely has in-game support and requires no real commitment or upkeep from your staff.
I want classic to succeed but if I were considering realm transferring, I would just quit for that price for this game.
You must have poor reading comprehension skills or are uninformed if you have to ask why i said what i said. PvP servers are not balanced at all. This is Blizzard’s game and they could SHOULD have done something to promote balance on those servers from day 1, including extreme measures for the long term health of the servers like locking new character creation on the over populated faction.
Instead they did nothing at all until about a month ago, and to top it off the free transfers that they did offer did not lock faction transfers until very recently - so horde leaning servers became extremely horde dominated servers. Why should alliance players who did not transfer at that time have to pay $$$ for Blizzard f’ing up the server.