Paid carry runs needs to be stopped

This happened three times last night for me. One went full on turbo karen because they died on a trash pull repeatedly because they wouldn’t back away from others during quaking phases. A second individual, similar instance but was a healer. Great IO, but soon as the run started you could tell they had no idea what to do on the first couple of trash pulls with people hardly surviving. They dipped out after the 4-5th pull and began to message me with “explicit tank, blah blah blah, pull slower and so on”. We’ll pardner, if I pull any slower we won’t time this +12, yet here you are a druid with nearly a 2k IO and can’t keep yourself alive… This boosting service crap has to stop. It just introduces poor players into content they have no business being in.

Do you know why players pay for carries in the first place? It’s so they can avoid the trash heap that is doing the content. They dislike the current system so much that they just wanna pay the money to get the gold to pay for a carry so they don’t have to do the content anymore. Maybe we should look more into that.


No, not in the slightest.


I just find it hard to blame someone for not liking what a given thing does while participating in it to some extent.

Yea thats what pugs are all about , looks good on paper, but you never know

They also said it shouldn’t be allowed despite doing it themselves and that’s hypocritical. So pleases, break down my analogies and tell me why they aren’t applicable.

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:thinking: :woman_shrugging: Odd view to hold, but not uncommon these days.

I try to look at this like lessons.

I’d rather have someone in my group that’s at least seen higher m+ run successfully than someone who hasn’t.

The truth that ego stroking DPS aren’t going to want to admit to, which is kind of demonstrated by the premise of the topic, their own personal skill is probably one of the least impactful factors.

Once you have the basics down the most impactful factors are going to be who they run with ( Sometimes they pay, sometimes they can run with a good group for free ) A good tank that pulls to their damage profile and handles most of the interrupts, and their gear.

Personally I think timed keys is much more predictive than IO. You need the addon to see that, but timed keys is where the breadth and depth of experience is, IO is just the 16 best runs.

make your own group, dont invite people with under thirty 15+ timed keys (Or 20+ if you’re willing to wait) and then you will never, ever run into these people, ever.

They said it shouldn’t be allowed and that they would willingly accept the consequence of it no longer being allowed being that they could not do it themselves.

So no, your analogies are not applicable, and they are not being hypocritical.

I’m saying it as someone who does things mostly out of principle. I understand why people aren’t willing to harm themselves for a principled basis. No different than finding tax loopholes or using technicalities to make more money/pay less in taxes/etc.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I understand we’re in an age where principles are as ephemeral as TikTok trends. But it is, in fact, hypocritical.

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lol Only on the forums…

You make no sense at at all lol.
Look up the word contradiction and you’ll find a picture of you lol

what makes you think they paid for carries - they might have just been carried by others for free

youre just upset and thats ok

You make no sense, but based on your previous logic it adds up.

paying 200k gold for hard carry from 4 players = im going to decline you

paying 0k gold but getting help from 1 high IL person = im going to maybe still invite you

not hard

Not trying to sound rude but you’re literally complaining about an issue that’s been present since day one of online gaming. If there’s a goal to be achieved or a rating to be reached there’s going to be somebody offering a carry service because cash is king and there’s a lot of people out there that would rather pay someone else to get their character or account or level to a specific goal then grinding it out themselves. I don’t disagree with any of your points and I feel they’re all very valid as it definitely does suck having somebody in your group in any game that’s been carried to that level because they cannot perform at that level. I played competitive counter strike since 99 and it’s even prevalent in first person shooters you will get people that will purchase accounts with low steam IDs to look more legit or they will buy a bunch of skins to look legit or they will pay a company to get them ranked up to a certain point so they can look better than the rest whether they’re actual trash players or cheating and using the points / rank to cover up the cheats is besides the point It’s always happened and I think as long as companies don’t enforce some sort of ban for this it’s going to always continue

ngl, I wanna pay someone to do a Mythic Raz carry for me.

I want the gleaming thingamabob.

Weird post given your participation in this.

That being said, whatever man. This is unfortunately how it is and how pretty much any similar game can be.

If you don’t want to run with carried folks, make friends or join communities of people who don’t get carried.

This is why I try to avoid pugging for 14 +. I try to do that in community only because sub 14 Ive found a lot of obviously carried people. A 402 lock or dh or rogue should not ever be out damaged by a fdk lol. You know something’s up then.