P4 shammy... just why?

Yeah, a good hunter is just OP. But Ferals are dop dogs in Cata for sure. They need to nerf frenzy regen to the ground.

Lol, alliance doesnt have enought feral druids for a raid, imagine in AV. Horde Will win 100% with 900 shamans per AV dropping WF for other melee clases in party. Paladin without WF is dog water, no Point of comparison AV is going to be a clown fest

Alliance will do just fine in AV its their best BG… they can avoid PVP. lol

They had a 95% loss rate in classic so I wouldn’t say they are going to do fine lmfao

Well they did that for hunters lol

You do realize there is an obvious imbalance. Go to cata and alliance have 80% win rate. Being alliance has nothing to do with class tuning. Passive purges essentially on one side vs hard casts on the other. I have both horde and alliance, the only difference is which have the meta classes for pvp and that has been horde. Go to cata where it is even and alliance trash horde in SOD. I only do bgs now in cata on my alliance toon as horde are all brain dead.

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any time you bring up OP racials contributing to faction imbalance, especially where alliance win consistently, dude sticks his hands over his ears and goes LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU and makes up some asinine reason as to why, like “people follow the streamers”

trying to make my guy see this point is futile I’m afraid

edit to add, also, alliance have a major high win rate because most serious PVPers run human for OP double trinket. it isn’t even that double trinket is going to majorly change the tide in a BG (undeniably it does help though), but that most good PVP players will go human in Cata if their class can be human, because arena exists where double DPS trinkets is a MAJOR advantage

Yeah, but Cata has same faction bgs. Whats ur win % again other alliance? Horde have been putting up a fight of late and have been winning alot more. A day or two ago… had to queue up for like 8 bgs to get the daily win out of the way. Sure, some were again other alliance but horde win some too.

I can’t even begin to comprehend why the majority of horde play like alliance in era/sod play. lol

That was in classic era when the scorch meta was out and when they figured out how to premade AV the percentage quickly changed and horde cried about it and got it nerf. But, then in TBC/Wrath horde all of the sudden forgot how to play D and wanted to get into a boss rush with alliance. Horde will NEVER beat alliance in the pve race.


say it very slowly 5 times and then you might be able to begin to comprehend. at a base level, both factions have a portion of idiot players on them in PVP

You can’t be that dense… so you are telling me that pvp makes up 90% of a faction? and like I have said a billion times… the inherent advantages only matter at high rated Arenas/RBGS… not normal bgs and NOT wpvp.

No what happened starting in TBC was they made it so you can’t rez at your cave until you controlled no other graveyards, which is why horde won in classic.

If it’s the classic map Horde will once again have a 95% win rate.

They would need to patch the cave graveyard out till you control no other graveyards to balance that map out.

So playing the scorch meta didnt contribute to that? We all know what happens when you dont play D.

heh horde are gonna scorched earth and win 95% of all the bgs.

its not gonna be pretty.

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??? what does this even mean?

what world pvp? Cata servers are completely faction lopsided. there is no world pvp. I encountered ONE horde player in the open world leveling in Cata since questing thru all of wrath zones. do you think people who care about having a racial advantage in arena just don’t also casually queue BGs for fun sometimes, or to get their honor set to start queueing?

Nothing will make me happier than experiencing the scorch earth meta on horde side this time around. lol

Say hello to Grobbulus? Where there is a healthy 55/45 ratio. Sure, you have Faerlina and Benediction to roll on if you dont want any world pvp/griefing. They might as well be pve servers. lol

you know as a person that played alliance on the worst class to play against undead (a gnome warlock)… i remember scorched earth … “fondly”.

cant wait to give it to the alliance while being on horde this time to continue the trauma.

so what you’re saying here is that YOU do acknowledge racial advantages also contributing to victory? interesting :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: maybe explain it to my boy Styls here? he’s stuck

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I played a Mage and Hunter for AV… I think two of the best classes for AV. =)

I used to hold down the bridge to DB alone on my hunter. With the archers at my back… even with a lost I had so much fun.