P4 shammy... just why?

it’s all skill bro. All the shaman players are just skillful. I’m constantly amazed by it. The skill.


Explain what? that the majority of people that cry about racials have no business crying about it cuz they will NEVER see high rated arenas/rbgs. lol But, its all good… keep crying all you want.

I love my NE hunter even though Dwarf might be better. I do just fine as a NE. =)
I loved my gnome mage even though human might be better. I do just fine on it. I dont follow the meta slaves and please don’t say “but look ur a orc shaman in sod” because I choose this day 1 when SOD was announced. =)

while the racial advantages are a thing i wouldnt say other than very low skilled games or very high skilled games it doesnt quite make the difference people think it does.

though i will say when over 50 % of your “raid” make up in a bg is either resistant to or actually able to go immune for 5 seconds to all the cc that the other side does its kinda silly .

though i will also say people getting cced much in raid vs raid pvp doesnt actually mean as much as one would really think.

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Even high rated arena players have said alliance racials aren’t that bad. Snutz one of the best to ever pvp has said it.

I was made fun of because I choose a BE rogue for TBC… and when Snutz switch his UD to BE man… the bandwagoners followed shortly after. lol

absolute silliness here. I’ve already tried to have this conversation and I KNEW it would go this way and I still engaged.

why can I not help myself? I’m going to go talk to my wall, it has a better chance of understanding.

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truuuuuuuuue though

He understands, he’s just full of it lol

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lol BE racial was one of the strongest in TBC, aoe instant silence? yes plz

if all things are equal an advantage to one side is an advantage.

how big of an advantage is something that is contested in alot of circles.

in very low skill games where people dont have alternate strats to deal with or overcome the racials it makes a huge difference.

in high skill games its sorta a given though and just 1 more thing to be aware of.

the problem i see is there are alot more “low skill” games and gamers out there than there are mid- high skill level.

i consider myself mid.

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I’m really not actually sure, gotten so close before. I’m not even kidding, I feel like Manray having the conversation with Patrick about his wallet.

hey what’s your opinion on why Alliance has a massive W rate in BGs in Cata? just wondering

I understand that… but I would love to see the % of regular bgers that actually go into bgs in a pvp spec? gem correctly? enchanted correctly? This goes for both factions… Racials will not help those type of players.

no but they sure make it easier to kill the dead weight AND the competent ones

especially when piloted by a good player who wants to have the inherent advantage :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :grey_exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :grey_exclamation:

I hope you play Ret correctly. =P

probably due to a big number of things.

most importantly though is once something is considered an advantage or “op” in some way , people flock to it that are of all skill levels though the more serious mid- high lvls that actually care about performance switch at the drop of a hat.

the people that care also care about winning and do whatever they can to achieve that goal.

so people of like mind all switch to something that is actually an advantage and the scales tip even if that advantage might only be useful in low or high skill games and is evened out in mid level.

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2::bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang:

I have played alliance for the last 10 years simply because I wanted fast bg queues. I’m sure that is big for alot of other pvpers.

No, scorch Earth was only made possible because of the way the cave graveyards worked and how much it favored horde.

Look at AV and how it plays out, both sides run north or south and cap graveyards as they run.

Alliance first objective is IBGY and hordes is SHGY.

Except look at what happens to both teams when both soft cap their respective first objectives

Alliance now have no rez point, they now rez all the way up north at SPGY and horde now rez right next to IBGY at their cave.

Horde can send 15 people back to IBGY and every single time an alliance dies trying to defend IBGY they get sent 90 seconds away all the way to SPGY and that’s a normal graveyard so it can only rez up to 10 at a time.

When horde try to retake IBGY Everytime they die they get sent 15 seconds away to their cave graveyard which since it’s a cave it can rez up to 20 at a time

Who do you think is going to out reinforce at IBGY?

This is exactly why alliance can’t win, they literally can’t push south.

depends on the version of the game to be honest.

earlier versions maybe up to late cata , the cc and stuff meant alot more and was harder to “counter” .

later versions it was more about the timining of popping cooldowns and whatnot and the availability of counters is alot more prevalent .

Xtrasecksi W

yes. OP racials piloted by people who spec/play/gem incorrectly don’t automatically make you win. decent players picking them because of OP racials = ez W. because they are decent players. and because they have an OP racial. that they picked.

because they wanted to win and are decent players.

that is not to say that every decent player picks the meta btw, some people don’t because of aesthetics or class options or whatever.