P4 shammy... just why?

Yeah better rank in the first wave because horde queues will be absolutely cooked after that. Its already an hour + just to find 15 alliance let alone 40

who even cares about rank when this is the state of the game at level 60? if P4 ele is even close to this on release, PVP is dead before it even starts lmao. I give AV like a week if that before people give up. the class has been giga broken for going on 3 out of 4 of the phases now, faction PVP has suffered drastically because of it and they’re gonna do it again. I ain’t coming back for this :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

Elden Ring DLC in less than 2 weeks. ERDTREE HYPE ERDTREE HYPE. hope it’s as big as they say, gonna grab everything from the expac (spells, weps) and mess with different builds in pvp that unironically is better than SoD PVP (and souls games PVP is a meme) til TWW comes out. might dabble with Cata but not having a blast getting to 85. I know it’s easy but the motivation is not there. currently 82 in Deepholm and bored out of my mind, friends are all 85 telling me to get there every day.

had high hopes for SoD

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Scary thing is horde queues ramped up for AV even though alliance were winning them. If something isnt done its going to be rough for both factions.

nah blizzard would never let the horde faction suffer that way, they will give horde same faction BGs just like they gave them all the good alliance racials and didn’t give alliance any thing, again,

I’m having fun playing my Shammy now; however, if they released a TBC or Wrath fresh server… I’d drop this is a heartbeat.

A SoD style phased/new content Wrath or TBC server? /faint.

They’ve absolutely failed at the balance between factions.

I don’t see the issue when we’re referencing AV. A class can be as OP as you say and it won’t have any bearing on specifically AV. WSG and AB? Yeah.

But AV is a PvE foot race. Alliance always wins it because its not a PvP battleground. Who kills the enemy general faster?

AV is still gonna be Ally win farm.

fair enough but you think like 4 or 5 ele sham in drek room isn’t gonna be an issue?

If horde has 1 hour q time, they will sit at Galvangar and drag the game. Don’t pretend you are stupid.

Good thing they won’t lmao

They are done with ret. Spec is DoA p4, pve dummy destroyer.

Only 2 specs you can have hope on : holy gets his shock cd to 6 and buffed healing on it + some decent runes and reckoning if you still want to swing your 2hander. Not sure about the last one since every player can trinket hoj now and has giga hp pool with DR aura to survive the nuke.

If elemental shaman stays this way, they will. These pink glasses of yours…


I think the main issue here is that when it comes to pvp Shamans are a thousand times better than pallys. Sure holy pallys will be good in phase 4 but their single target healing will not keep their group alive when shamans are spamming lava burst into chain lightings. Meanwhile ret pallys have to close the gap, their damage is mediocre, easy to kit, etc.

The problem is that horde get an extra class that is beyond broken in PVP and have been since phase 1 and now will be even more broken in phase 4. 2-3 ele shamans on the other team will burst your team in 2-3 globals.

Meanwhile ally have pallys that don’t bring much… blizz didn’t give them anything to help their team in PVP or help mitigate the damage that will be coming from Shamans.


I told you I was leveling a mage too… so we can 2’s. =)

But I hear you I level up two toons and I dont want to level a 3rd (even though I want a healer bad for pvp). Questing is so boring. Solo at least… lol

yeah like it’s decently quick leveling but so many dumb quests. at least it’s not overboard (yet) with a ton of vehicle quests like wrath was, I do remember that from wrath back in the day lol. guess I could dungeon spam

Dude, I did 2’s with a pally that didnt know he could dispel sheep and after 10 games didnt used WoG once on me. LOL I pretty much 1v2 8 of the games @1500. lol

if it was ret, they can’t dispel sheep in Cata. only dispels poison and diseases now, not magic

hpal might be able to idk, I didn’t even bother looking down the whole tree lol

No ways? Now I feel dumb. LOL

lol but yeah dude should def have been WoGin ya, ret healing feels so cracked so far in Cata

Rets are for sure cracked out in Cata. They are the only reason 3x Dps is a thing.

Ran into a hunter/Ret and the hunter was at 5%… one WoG from the Pally got him to 80% health. I was like o.O! lol

yeah my friends trying to go double ret+hunter in 3s when I get up there. they’ve been having pretty good success as ret hunter 2s, main issues for them so far are DKs really. feral does crazy dam but my hunter bud just remembered he could scare beast lol