P4 shammy... just why?

posting from a demon hunter I 100% believe you’re telling the truth :sunglasses:

8x 5man shaman groups spamming CL on every bottleneck.

Horde bg queues are going to be out of control


Yeah, because they have endless amount of mana. Sarthe (or whatever his name is) casted like 4 or 5 times before he ran out of mana. Yes, it will add to ele’s oppressiveness in group battles. But they will run out of mana ASAP.

he didn’t press shammy rage tho :wink:

um akchully, he cast a magma totem and 9 CL’s, maybe could have squeezed out a 10th


literally my first time logging into a shaman on SoD lmao. barely set up my bar, just moved the 3 most important buttons close to each other :sunglasses: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(the first pause in my CL spam was me questioning if this was real life or not)


Dont forget it also gives Earthbind totem a root OMEGA KEK.

Legit 3 changes to 3 different spells on one cloak rune.


nah dude it’s ok because it costs mana

P4 SoD ele shaman has a VERY high skill ceiling, you have to press a button every one minute to regen 75% of your mana, AND you have to spam 1 button and weave in another every 6 seconds (or not, it doesn’t really matter as long as the dot is on them)

DON’T FORGET ABOUT NATURE’S SKILLNESS, IT’S A 3 MIN CD. you might forget it’s there after pressing 1 button too many times.

as you can tell, I am now a master of the elements, because I also opened with a fire nova totem :sunglasses:

QUESTION: other hybrid classes, what’s your AoE damage on the dummies looking like?

lmao… man, I love the shaman hate. I just love it and every day I’m so glad I choose to play an Ele from day 1.

Rets should never joke about classes being easy. =P

I can’t hear you over the sound of my chain lightning spam

“I can’t cast that yet”
“That spell isn’t ready yet”

that’s all I hear when an ele shaman main says something

Its all good. =P

Remember I’ve been calling for alliance to get Shamans. =P

I never tried out Enh even when they were OP. As a matter of fact, I didnt have any melee runs still I stop playing a few weeks ago.

I’ll be back for phase 4.

“That’s still recharging”

I have never understood why Rets have been so popular even with their weaknesses. =P

“That spell isn’t ready yet”

All skill.

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mans is gonna “love all that shaman hate” when he’s sitting in an hour long AV queue :wink:

It wont bother me at the least. It will force blizzard’s hand to release same faction bgs. Either way, I dont care as long as I’m playing my Ele. =P

“That’s still recharging”

Also, do you think alliance will not queue for AV? LMAO… the only bg they will do good in. /wink!

Yea I don’t see Ali wanting to play against that XD.

They better hope an army of Shamans don’t go to Drak.

Even a wall at the towers would be nasty XD.

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