P4 shammy... just why?

BGs will die and que times will be 1 hour + if ele gets pushed through this way

you can also take earth shield now too lmao. so absurdly broken.

at this point just port retail demon hunters into the game with their full kit and dragonflight stats


heh maybe wolves will be completely broken and you will have more to cry about lol :smiley: .

calling out absurdly broken specs for the health of group pvp in the game is crying?

or is crying declaring your spec dead after being cracked for 2 phases because you can’t instant heal to full with no mana cost anymore in the next phase?

spirit wolves gives you a 2 sec stun and heals you+you still have riptide and LHW as instant heals for enhance. maybe go download the PTR and check it out?


I mean realistically you can just run the wolves as ele since you only give up a root totem for pets that’s stun and heal you . You won’t have 0 cdr chain lightning but honestly you will want to farm out lava bursts anyways and also no blow your whole mana load padding.

And ele will , continue to be Better than enhance in pvp as it is now. Maybe warriors will chop down the ranged caster meta, they seemed pretty fun on the ptr but also I am not doing bgs walking into starfall and lavabursts

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starfall is nothing compare to instant gib machine that is ele shaman.
top survivability top burst top utility with totems. cant make this up lol


yeah I figured wolves would be better than storm earth and fire, 60% more flame shock dmg tho? lol, lmao even
160% more FS damage with burn+SEF

wolves still probably better for utility though

meanwhile I have less hope that ret will be where it should be because the devs listen to the dumbest paladin players (after looking on the PTR forums, fine, you can say it, a lot of paladins are stupid). dudes are literally on there advocating for shockadin tier sets to make a return and upset about art of war changes.

and like the idiots who wanted seal twisting, the devs will probably appease those morons and call it a day. WHILE A DATAMINED UNCORRUPTED ASHBRINGER IS POTENTIALLY COMING TO SOD.

as a ret paladin and sandbox world PVP and BG enjoyer, I am tired, boss


Wolves. It had to be done. But yes it won’t be nearly as strong but 45 wolves mean we’re kings for 45 seconds… Elemental having access to them however seems… Questionable.

Bros I am so happy I rerolled to horde!

You know how amazing this game is being on the same team as the OP class? I also have an alt shaman. Good lord I wish I’d have rerolled in P2

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Only healing wave. Lesser healing wave still works. Which is about a 50% nerd to self healing with MSW.


yeah I realized I spoke too soon.

so enhance instant healing is less OP than it was, but several enh mains are in absolute shambles. edit: now that sham rage is baseline now too, they can also run earth shield on legs as well as riptide and LHW MSW and spirit wolves. all instant heals


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bro watch this LMAO


I just wanted a fun 2h enhance classic playstyle, two instant attacks, good burst, not a lot of healing, support totems, and spells.

Now I’m just an ele god because 2h is a meme. Actually I just don’t even play sod anymore. PvP queue is too long. Not even sure where to begin if I made an alliance. May just have to hang it up until I see alliance post complaining about their queue times.

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I dont get what is bad about this?

Aoe spell does aoe damage on a group of 5 targets close together. You could make the same kind of video with a mage, shadow priest, lock, etc. Hell, I could show a similiar style video with a feral and the new kitty swipe + beserking.

I get that ele probably still needs tuning, but that video really doesnt show anything special.

Also, I like where he says, “we are going to press 2 buttons, then proceeds to call out 3 abilities.”

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come on man you’re better than this.

divine storm+holy damage and no cooldown when?

Long as Ele can essentially use 2 chest runes it will always be better.

But thats comparing a melee style build to a caster doing caster aoe things.

And casters are always better at aoe than melee, but melee are better at single target. Its one of the main reasons that ST dps numbers are always skewed towards melee because it is primarily looking at boss fights, not trash.

casually maintains 4.2k aoe DPS by spamming chain lightning

“well I don’t see what the problem is?”

this is literally the nail in the coffin for BGs in SoD


Because its AoE damage…

I mean if a group of 5 alliance want to stand that close together and not move an inch…like target dummies…then I dont know what to tell you.

Like I said earlier, ele sham probably still need some tuning, but that isnt the video to show it.

And that was with 5 FSs and a magma totem all rolling as well.

you’re right man, everybody just spread out because there is so much room at BS. no problems here like fs into ele mastery CL as the team is getting to the node, or melee attempting to focus one target, they should have just been meleeing the same guy but also away from each other!

perfectly fine :sunglasses: :+1:

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Come on…I know you get what I am saying.

That is literally the perfect set up to test maximum aoe damage. That magma totem alone is doing a ton of damage and only has a range of 8 yards…and can be killed by punching it…once. Like I said, you could accomplish the same thing with other classes by spamming all your aoe abilities on a tight group of 5 targets.

Thats why they are called target dummies…

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