P4 shammy... just why?

can we just make 2h an option? btw you can still self heal, its just not going to be an instant biggest heal we have. Enhance looks like its going to be fairly balance, while Ele looks like its going to clap (like hunters, and SP’s)

im just excited to summon my two wolves that will be OP for 2 weeks then nerfed into complete garbage


Stop. Please.

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One of the funnier posts I’ve ever seen on the SOD forums. Kudos Cibola.


you must not know how to rogue then

We all know blizzard wont fix the ele shaman spec.
Every single rune slots is tailor made for them with multiple functions.
At this point, just give alliance shaman and horde pali.
Its either this or merc mode bg.
Cause we all know the que time will keep on getting higher and higher for the horde and even lower, sub 5% wins, for the alliance. people will quit as a result and que time will get longer and longer. lose lose for all involved.


Sadly idiot content creators with sway will continue to push the factions should be different agenda as they also sit in gy getting clapped out of another AB.

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legit feels like SoD ele shaman is designed for a make-a-wish kid who just wanted to dominate BGs lmao


Agree with these last two posts SoD ele shaman is the class to play rn

Incredible depressing to be Enhance right meow.

I put on the Five Thunders gear at level 60 in the PTR…and saw roughly the same numbers I have now in Sunken Temple gear, courtesy of them taking a poleaxe to the AP and AP → SP Conversion.

And then zero self-healing for the glass cannon PvP.

If it goes live like this, ima just sell my melee gear or just uninstall… Blizzard can’t do “tweaks” they only do Pole-Axe.
Enhance Tanking Died in P3
Enhance PvP gravely wounded in P3
Enhance DPS and PvP Dies in P4.

Storm, earth an fire is a spit in the face of everyone, like shamans aren’t oppressive enough in pvp.


roll ele and chill with the boys in a 1hr que

Why did hunters het such crud for cloak runes?

They nerfed the healing power buffs from both Paladin’s (Sheath of Light) and Shaman (Mental Dexterity.)

Maelstrom Weapon just lost Healing Wave and Chain Heal. It kept Lesser Healing Wave and there’s still the really mana efficient Riptide on a 6 second cooldown.

I guess they don’t want Melee’s healing as well…

Shaman in P4 still looks really strong overall. All the runes outside of Two handed Mastery are usable in any spec. They’re in much better shape it looks like than the Pally (at least how I played in SoD.)

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yeah I realized I spoke too soon, was feeling bad for enh almost. they still got hurt but they still get a free LHW + riptide, crazy.

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I would have killed for a Riptide for one rune for the Pally… It’s less mana than Holy shock and twice the healing (with the hot.)

60 Riptide : 273 mana 691 and an additional 674 over 15.
60 Holy shock (must be 31 Holy): 325 mana 395healing… if you get the rune that improves it 50% and brings the cooldown to 6 secs… It’s still less than half as effective as riptide and you need to be 31 holy to even use it.


I wonder what faction the devs have been maining since P2?

I’ve been saying give us AoW flash or WoG on 10 sec CD for weeks smh

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heh guess i gotta somehow get some ele gear .

enhance is dead :frowning: F in the chat for enhance.

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hope they make 2h enhance good, add your voice to the PTR forum

make 2h enhance great and make ret great again

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naw they wont. ele is king now.

no sense in denying it.

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Its okay, enhance had its time. The forum has been full of alliance enhance haters for 2 phases now. It can take a back seat now.

Ele was, and is, the pvp spec anyway, so letting it shine is simply more ally tears.