P4 shammy... just why?

Ret Paladin Ls as well, a few things are pretty good, but it is clear these devs have absolutely 0 interest in PVP balancing. they gave us wings baseline (lmao) and of course, it causes the full minute of forebearance AND is purgeable. wings is dead on arrival in any group PVP

That sucks to read, I didn’t get to far past my own class because I went to see what everyone else got and stopped reading at

  • Balance Druid [starfall]

Because that ability was a bane in wrath bgs and I’m sure it will be turbo cringe in sod. And boomkins already over perform. May be quitting time. Horde queues will likely go through the roof and I cba to reroll atm. Maybe later idk.

yeah wings and the new bubble are purgable and are for pve not pvp

I see.

Struggling just doesn’t hit though.

They have been tuned to having only a little more forgiveness when fumbling a PvP rotation or encounter, rather than an over the top indulgent amount like they had.

And my rogue will kill you while watching netflix while you hold your big ugly 2hander doing nothing but spam crying on the forums.

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TWW hype TWW hype? Enhance seemed like a busy spec (I have one that I turbo leveled early in DF but didn’t play much of), how’s it looking in TWW? you hyped brother?

definitely feeling a little deflated about SoD at the moment. the tier set bonus for ret apparently allows you to maintain 2 seals in a 6 second window, MEANING now you have to spend 2 GCDs on them as maintenance buffs after every judgement to play optimally…gonna be mad awkward, exorcism spam is gone which is fine but divine storm still hits like a glorified auto attack

Dude you think I fight fair? Ima jump you and vaporize you while someone stuns you who hits you like a wet noodle. 1-3 seconds to live bud


Enhance in DF right now is super complicated. I have just been doing M+ learning the game again and it was annoying just getting KSM this season on the spec. But tww could be better since we are forced into primordial wave.

You will NEVER jump my rogue in world pvp lol

You might 3 or 4v1 me but you will never get the jump.

Wrong again! Your gonna get jumped in a bg itll be 2v1 and some embarrassingly bad rogue will be hitting you for 1% of your health and ill take you from 99% to dead in 2 gcds while your in kidney

Well that doesn’t happen very often now so okay

Every fight is fair? How great is it that I can basically global people while there in some random persons stun in a 2v1

What are you even talking about? Yes on my rogue I could probably 2 v 1 you and your buddy

In general thats true since you seem like a decent player from your self confidence.

However idc if youve won duel tournament after tournament, some rogue in full greens cheapshot kidneys you and you dont have an answer for it, in that kidneyshot alone I can do 5-6k damage.

So even if the rogue does almost 0% damage of your total health if your stuck in a stun for 3-6 seconds, its easy clap

yeah you press stormstrike once and a million things light up lmao. it seems like way too much work to get similar output to other bursty DPS specs. unholy DK in DF has a lot going on CD wise and feels simple to play in comparison to enhance

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I really do appreciate the detailed post because Im not much familiar with the inner workings of other classes. Though I did chuckle because I play a class that can barely get a cast of any kind off and shamans are worried that they lost some healing for one of their specs? :slight_smile:

But watch out! I can use mana shield on party members now!!!


It doesn’t matter what the nerfs say… Go duel a ele shaman outside Orgrimmar. I did that first thing and a ele shaman with earth shield globaled me. This is going to be phase 3 all over again, but it wont ever end until SoD does.


I mean it’s honestly irrelevant because , people just play elemental shaman anyways for PvP who care and they are honestly better after these changes. I can use sham rage and have earth shield, easy W.

is a WARLOCK really crying about a ELEMENTAL SHAMAN? Curse of tongues?

Anyway…my wolves love to eat gnomes btw

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I feel like these claims just keep getting more extreme.

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