P4 shammy... just why?

fixed that for you :smiley: .

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you just read the notes to me, but I don’t know what’s most impactful. Like, e.g., is having ~80AP instead of 145 from mental dex breaking shaman dps?

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am more of a 2 handed enhancement but elemental might be fun :upside_down_face:

the healing nerf and removal of msw affecting our biggest heals is a huge one .

not sure on the numbers on the other ones.

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I never said it was breaking shaman dps. It shouldnt be. I was never complaining about the nerfs, they needed to happen. My comments were directed towards the OP who thought all they did was buff shamans. Which was complete bs.

Yeah but if I get the jump an Elemental Mastery+Nature Swiftness a Double Chainlightin LavaBurst overload into a power surge you better have a spell protection potion or its GG, I dont even need a shock thats how embarassing it is

They’re not SUPER OP in pvp.

They’re super OP vs bad players. When you learn the difference you will be on your very first step to becoming a decent pvp’r

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So a class that pops every CD and gets every single proc is dangerous?

News at 11!

I see your emotion has taken over. I recommend you detox from your regular approach to things and realize what you just posted.

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Dangerous, no unstoppable unless the guy is a paladin in the original bubble that isnt purgable

I want to be globaled by a two hand wind fury shaman more often to be honest and completely transparent.

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:japanese_goblin: :point_right: :zap:
i dont know how to do emotes as a shaman

First, you cant have ele mastery and nature’s swiftness. That would require level 61.

Secondly, if a class pops everything and gets every proc lined up they should honestly be able to kill you. Any class. If a rogue has their CDs up, you will die 1v1. It doesnt mean they are unstoppable, just that they blew everything and basically won the lottery with proc’s.

I didnt mention shocks or Burn or Lightning shield/rolling thunder or even just randomly throwing out a melee to get a WF with a sick 3.8-4.0 speed weapon.

So its not every proc.

And I use Nature’s swiftness over elemastery, but use elefury to get the 100% crit bonus, who needs elemastery when I can have a whole another spell and have 30%+ crit chance in epics anyway

just goofin’ bud, I know shaman are really struggling

You just said double chain lightning into overload lava burst followed by power surge.

Thats every proc and does require flame shock in order to work. What you just described would require using a CD, hard casting twice, and getting every proc.

Nah I could get another overload on the power surge n drop a fire nova totem. With endgame epics the crit will be so high I wont need flame shock and can opt for earthshock rolling thunder to dump another 6 charges of shield on someone, then I can still go in with a sick 3.8-4.0 speed epic 2hnd WF

What spec are you running in this scenario?

Because its basically…all of the above.

Massive nerfs to enhance who cannot heal essentially at all in combat. They have no cc so they won’t ever get off a cast to heal themselves versus other hybrids.

But ele somehow, keeps getting more powerful. Sure they are nerfing burn spellpower but a better flameshock dot on a good dot AND they get 0 cdr chain lightning and an AoE root totem.
Sham rage baseline means ele can grab earthshield.

Ele already hard casts spells, and has healing power due to gearing which they removed from enhance btw, on the MD nerf not that you were hard casting a single heal, and ele will also still be just as tanky with a shield and weapon on.

Honestly, enhance will still be solid with a healer behind them, they are a strong class, and their nerfs are kind of warranted. If they didn’t need msw healing they would have to give instant heals to paladin. And this game needs less hybrid self sustain power.

But they didn’t buff 2h enhance.

Made hand of rag an iconic shaman weapon basically a gimme to give to ferals since enh is pretty much forced DW by game design.

And couldn’t even make our ghostwolf rune instant cast? Who is even taking that over earth shield.

Luckily I am refined and only pvp as ele these days, the most broken form of shaman. And I only receive buffs.

Nature’s guidance +3% hit, Nature specialization +6% hit, Tidal Mastery +5% crit, Call of Thunder +6% crit

Stormreach for the extra 6 yards, Ele fury for 100% bonus crit damage, Improved Fire Nova totem, Lightining master for the 1sec reduction on cast time, Reverb for the 1s less on Shock CD, Earths Graps for the 20% increase to instant roots, Call of flame 15% bonus to fire Damage totems, Concussion ofc for the 5% bonus dmg

Then resto is Tidal mastery, Natures Swiftness, Totemic mastery(for grounding and decoy), and Natures guidance

so its 30/0/21 and I love it

I might not have the paladin defensives but why bother when they can only kill low hp ppl with SoC/reckbombs in bubble anyway

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