P4 shammy... just why?

getting mopped up after the frontline gets sent to the GY via big cleaves, rot, and burst

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Ele will be out of range of alliance casters.

Also horde have an extra range class in a range meta where as alliance have an extra melee.


No need to show how Bad You are. Fotm player.

you should put some respeck on this dude’s name, busted class or no, he’s posted screenshots of 40 KD ratio lmao.

being OP alone won’t take you that far. he’s actually been an advocate for real balancing and agrees shaman has been broken for a majority of SoD, says shaman deserves nerfs which is extremely rare when like only 2 other shaman on here actually acknowledge the extent of their power. he’s just a 2h enhance enjoyer who didn’t get to live out the dream in SoD and now wants to make the world Burn (rune), and I don’t blame em. PVP in this game sucks.


Shams are getting big nerfs in PVP P4.

Looking like only enhance. On paper ele is strong. But wont know till 60 really.

Quit twisting my words, and actually learn how to read.

It’s a verifiable fact that alliance outnumber horde in literally every single iteration of vanilla, INCLUDING Season of Discovery… And yet Horde, in every single version of vanilla, including Season of Discovery, have higher pvp queu timers across the board.

Horde players, generally speaking, are more likely to engage in, and be interested in, pvp.

Now you can try and dance around reality all you want there cupcake, but it is what it is and those be the facts.

And as already explained to the slow kids in class, much of that is racials and players trying to play the “META”, but there’s also a pretty noticeable distinction between the two factions and the aesthetics presented. Those things make a difference on the character select screen.

I’m not sure that retail RBG participation numbers mean anything for Classic, let alone for SoD.

Alliance is a far superior PvE faction in normal versions of vanilla, and might attract better overall players for min maxing. In the aggregate, however, it’s pretty undeniable that Horde is largely the unofficial “pvp faction” for all iterations of vanilla, always having a lower overall population than the alliance, but seemingly also always having more people queuing up to actually pvp and eating longer queu timers.

RBG stats are a direct refutation of this claim

Horde is the majority PVP faction in vanilla due to imbalanced racials and class. that doesn’t mean there aren’t PVP enjoyers on alliance

que times are this way because the game sucks to play as alliance right now. it isn’t just imbalanced racials as it is in retail and Cata.

it’s also IMBALANCED FACTION SPECIFIC CLASS. which is why queue times are more abysmal than any other iteration of WoW for horde

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That would involve blizzard doing more than the bare minimum, which isn’t something they seemingly have the capability or willpower to accomplish.

  • The Ele Cloak rune for P4 as it is currently on PTR is game breakingly strong with 3x separate powers that are ALL broken

  • You still have shadows being gods in pvp, and literally below half of the tanks in pvE.

  • Meanwhile hunters with trap launcher entrapment almost single handedly render melee obsolete, and have been since P2…

  • Moonkin, already one of the strongest specs, getting a massive buff as well.

TLDR it’s pretty obvious they either don’t remotely consider how their runes will impact pvp, or blatantly don’t have the talent to know how badly their runes will impact pvp. Either way, SoD has also been just a bizarre ride in general… They spend next to no effort designing content and/or rune powers, but then are forced to bend over backwards with effort trying to numerically tune for the content that they break with their changes and runes. It’s incredibly inefficient.

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only way to voice our anger is to vote with our feet. stop the sub and drop their revenue. then and only then would the devs learn to listen or get fired.
all these devs deserve a special place in hell for what they did to the alliance pvp population for the past two phases now going third. most of the alliance pvpers are gone and horde que time will only go higher

Horde being literally FORCED to premade for queu timers, going against melee stacked pugs is imo the bigger issue.

Premades, on average, are ALWAYS going to have a leg up on pugs, even tradechat premades will have better group comps, people “trying harder”, and less toxicity via social pressures that aren’t there solo queing.

thats the issue with coding. which is devs job last time i checked. solo vs solo, premade vs premade. fair is fair.
only thing that the horde premade vs alliance solo que achieved was to drive away all the alliance pvper to unsub and in turn drive up the horde que time even higher. i look forward to the day where there wont be 40 alliance to que for any av to happen. gj devs

At this point the literal only solution that I think will save the game is:

Making BG teams factionless, and throwing people from both factions into both teams and just letting them fight.

Personally, I’d also have included shaman and paladin on both factions, but we’re too far gone for only that to fix things now, since Allliance blatantly doesn’t have the pvp population to sustain games (and super long queu times just encourage horde players to also quit)

Frankly, if shaman really are THE PROBLEM, simply making BGs factionless and giving everyone a chance to have the shaman next to them (for current alliance) and against them (for current horde) should really demonstrate that.

I’m not sure how feasible it is though, given the previous attempts to allow merc mode queuing and same faction bgs never applying to AV (the problem being how players are flagged to the NPCS… Merc mode literally turned your character into another character race to allow you to interact with npcs)

They’d basically need to find a way to let an undead run around in Dun Baldir without all the dwarf NPCS instantly going nuts.


sadly I think the devs don’t give one single F about PVP in SoD, for more evidence look no further than 2 simple facts:

-Storm, Earth, and Fire rune
-PTR launched and PVP trinkets are locked behind rank 5. we have Argent Dawn rep and 0 honor rank

Yep except in cata where its currently alliance players. Its almost as if people go to the meta faction / classes.

The difference is, queues always remained healthy. Even with allowing premades queues remained healthy.

If there wasnt an issue in faction balancing, horde wouldnt have to group to not sit in an hour queue. Its now at the point where there are 0 bgs happening. Even at the end of classic era, there were BGs popping.

If you cant see that there is a problem outside of “Alliance just dont pvp, even though they are the top pvpers in cata and retail” You are delusional.

You keep saying people flock to the meta, but wont say that shamans are currently the meta.

Remember they are the only class thats numbers have increased in participation, every other single class has taken a massive dive.

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I did a warsong for the first time in ages the other day. Enemy team was a guild 5 stack from crusader strike, and a 5 stack from living flame living flame. Even had an enemy Druid with XDFC in the name try Harding. Dropped a 20-0 on them crushed their spirits and they sat in the graveyard. We won 3-0. It’s not even that fun to play. Anyone complaining that ele isn’t that good has to be absolutely a brain dead challenger with 0 game sense. Ele is broken. That’s just what it is. ITS BROKEN. You roll around with a car door on your left arm and a shotgun in your right. Just spacebar god x tanking peoples with riptide while I spam flameshocks maintain lightning shield and don’t even need to hard cast and still kill players. It’s indefensible. You have to be BAD to not see how broken this class is.

I cannot imagine playing against a single room temp iq ele in a bg IN ANY team fight scenario. If you don’t shut them down, you lose. But if you tunnel them, they are tanky as hell and can just spam flameshock and spacebar on you till you die. Lmfaooo

Next patch you can get a root totem which is Sick or feral spirits to give you a stun which is sick. I’d probably take the root totem PERSONALLY because retail has me hating feral spirits.


AOE root AND more flame shock damage AND spammable CL lmao what a game. like even when people were making ele a one button macro spacebar class in DF primordial wave instant LB,earth shock, instant LB again spam was still less OP

even vesper totem in Shadowlands was less OP, because everyone had stupid OP damage (divine toll, convoke, whatever that venthyr enhancement sham ability was season 1, rogues who’s BiS covenant changed like 3 times in one season because not only did they keep you from playing but they’d also flat out burst you down in an anima charged combo point)

Because they were dogwater in p1 and then went from worst to first in P2?

vote with your feet. stop paying the subs and let the company fire these so called devs.
pvp has been unplayable on the alliance side for two phases now. and they are making the most broken spec in the history of wow even more broken. no wonder people were #nochange. the most broken class in vanilla pales in comparison to this crap.
either bring dwarf shaman or merc mode.
stay unsubbed until then.

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are shamans super op? or are you just really bad??