P4 shammy... just why?

Yeah alliance just suck! Except in every other iteration of classic, retail and cata. But every other version of wow alliance suck!!!

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hunters when melee hunter was top of the food chain was only a single spec/role.

shaman had top melee, top caster, and top tank at one point.

Again, this was already explained to you, quit pretending to be stupid.

funny how you just axe out the “even in times of splendor” line like it means nothing.

the amount of self defeatist mindsets run rampant on alliance side when they face nearly any level of resistance and actual pvp fights is silly.

deny it if you want but you know the truth.

ive played both quite alot and know it in my bones to be true.

again, I redirect you to rated battleground statistics

It also happens on horde. And i played horde all through classic.

The reason it is on another level now is because the cards are stacked heavily against alliance in sod.

If you cant see this, you are only getting 50% of the info.

Every horde player that has ranked an alliance toon can see this.

I can confirm from merc moding in Legion to get prestige 500 within that expansion… Alliance in the aggregate just attract softer players and/or less pvp focused players.

Some of that (especially in classic) is racials being decidedly better on horde

A LOT of it also just has to do with perceived META (factual or otherwise)… most pvpers where horde in tbc until WoD when EMFH was 3x stronger than every other racial then suddenly 396 of the top 400 players decided they’d rather be alliance.

but horde just in general has a more aggressive overall aesthetic/flavor/theme that likely tilts the scales as well. There’s just far more testosterone in a giant burly orc swinging a giant bloody axe than in a dainty little night elf praying too the moon, or an aborted fetus looking midget thing with pink hair.

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whole lot of night elves on that RBG leaderboard

nobody has anything to say about alliance dominance in rated battlegrounds? even going to page 11 where it’s top 1000+ RBG players and it’s mostly blue? hmm

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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The best premades in vanilla/classic/era have been alliance. I remember when a group of friends that owned the 49 twink bracket leveled up to 60 and the first week. We were beating the top horde players in wsg/ab… why? not because of our racials? but because we played together and have the right set ups.

Ok so now its because players with testosterone are picking horde. Jesus christ…

Shaman mains literally throwing out every theory other than their class being OP for a phase.


Nah that cant be right because anyone that plays BGs pick horde because they seem more manly. Your evidence is wrong, night elves cant be good they are so girly!


I love my NE hunter. =P

you know the difference between anecdotal and empirical evidence right?

Yeah suddenly everyone switched to alliance when EMFH became strong.

Strange, ive heard of a similar thing happening in sod with class population? Only 1 class has gained numbers where as every other class has lost significantly.

So youll admit to EMFH being strong, but when the same facts are presented to disprove your argument you cant comprehend it?


Funny thing is, you go on cata forums and horde are calling for alliance nerfs.

But these are the same testosterone fueled players that should dominate BGs because they are full of testosterone!

When we all know the best pvpers are low test basement dwellers…

Some people are so oblivious to what actually happens in the world around them, its crazy.


I’m better than your average player at pvp and not at the level of a glad player and I’ve got a great beard thank u

Yeah, thats why i said the best which is all shamans. Clearly gods

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"alliance players suck

except for when they dominate the rated ladder

but that doesn’t count because they give up anytime they meet resistance"

the same cognitive dissonance greatest hits such as:

-paladins stacked in AB is OP because u can spin the flag in bubble
-not my fault u guys lose because everyone wants to play paladin

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Dude just have your melee zug the ele

But dont stack


What are ur casters doing? since we dont play alliance we have no idea. lol