P4 shammy... just why?

even though retail isn’t some people’s jam, it’s the most popular version of WoW today. for what it is, it’s decent. TWW looks like it’ll be alright, but they definitely are getting to a threshold of needing to do a pruning. the hero trees are another added layer of modifiers and passive interactions that will need to be looked at going forward into the next xpac after TWW.

but it isn’t a sandbox world anymore, it’s only got that feeling for a few months. they need to send us back to the old world way more often. and flying was a mistake.

I shouldn’t need to tell you this, but PvE and PvP are -VASTLY- different.

Enhance ended up as a top pvp melee for a brief window (as did melee hunters, before it went and stayed on rogue since)…but ele never was better than shadow as a ranged in pvp, even now (and shadow fwiw, had a brief like 2 week moment as the top caster pve dps in p2, and has been in the bottom half of the TANKS on dps since, yet is still ungodly strong/easy in pvp.

It’s noticeably weaker than most class/spec combos in normal vanilla, but I’ve had a 2h enhance on every single PTR… It’s just damn fun. Really tilted they went with all the worst things from enhancement’s wow history for SoD… DW, Maelstrom, wolves… All I really wanted was my 2hander, a bit more survivability, a lot more mana efficiency, and tremor totem to actually break a damn fear before I’m feared out of range of it just once on a normie vanilla enhancement.

That said, I’d probably have rolled a ret if they had given both factions both classes. The undead ret paladin dream was sadly not real this time.

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undead paladin makes more sense than tauren paladin and I will die on this hill

as a guy who had to fight vs this BS most of the lifecycle of this game (minus wolves…yet.) me too bro. shaman shouldn’t be leagues and leagues above paladin if they’re going to be faction specific

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I wasn’t even talking from a faction paladin/shaman perspective, I just meant I hate the design of all of those things. None of them make for fun mechanics imo =(

But I do enjoy normie vanilla 2h enhance, and if we ever get a real fresh pure vanilla again, I’ll have it on my list for r14 toons behind lock and either of rogue/warrior

shaman have always been the full counter to paladins since vanilla and every vanillaesque version of the game since time memorial.

silly how I still see shaman complain about paladins sometimes then eh?

I didn’t play classic 2019 because my class sucked for anything but being a heal bot (I remember PVP being somewhat ok back in the day though when I was a youngin)

alot of the complaints were from p1 where pallies had 3 full free lifebars or from quite a few metas ago where pallies were bubbling and blowing people up in 1-3 globals while completely immune TO EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE GAME.

with the dr meta they arent the greatest atm.

nothing about our “3 full life bars” and “doing damage while bubbled” (aside from the same DR you are affected by) has changed

what has changed is everyone got their talent trees and better runes

naw the pally damage is muted now to the point of it being not anywhere near as threatening.

we will see in p4 if they change that.

my purge finger is itchy though.

Yep, but now they are the full counter to alliance in bgs. Strongest caster and strongest melee. Lock the strongest class behind 1 faction and you get 1hr+ queues.

Again the proof is in the pudding.

If there wasnt a class imbalance locked behind a faction bg queues would be as healthy as they were in P1 P2 and every other iteration of classic.

Its just like cata, there is an imbalance in racials so alliance queues were cooked compared to horde.


if you see a paladin press wings just know he doesn’t have one of those “life bars” now.

they really need to make it not purgeable. I don’t want to be able to bubble with wings up and cheese everyone (I absolutely will if they get rid of forebearance instead of making it undispellable)

i dont believe that to be true.

the population wouldve dipped either way due to alot of other decisions theyve made and you guys continuously pushing the “narrative” you want to push about balance.

it isn’t a narrative lmao only some shaman mains refuse to see what everyone else does. even shaman mains call it out.

even big boy dropping 40 bombs on teams calls it out. it’s busted and faction locked.

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Yeah, it did dip…

Only 1 class has gained in numbers. Just take a guess as to which class has gained.

Ok lets say shamans arent OP like my name says.

Why have their numbers been the only one to increase where as every other class has hade a huge drop off?

still waiting on that worgen to show me that PVP tier list that has other classes above sham in group PVP.

must be busy with Arugal.

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if ive learned anything in the nearly 20 years of playing wow on both alliance and horde it is this…

alliance is the faction of self sabotage even in times of splendor and supremacy moreso than any time ive ever played on horde.

alliance actively cultivates and propagates its own doom all the freaking time and its sad to see that it hasnt gotten any better in 20 years of playing this stuff.

PvE performance… You know the aspect of the game most people play and care about (ESPECIALLY on your faction).

This was already explained to you.

Exact same reason you saw 310950193509 melee hunters a little while ago.

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it absolutely has for alliance though, when they have the advantage. there is quantifiable data.

look at all that blue, baybay

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Never saw a drop off in numbers to every other class and melee hunters gained.