P4 shammy... just why?

maybe you could be “Switcher” and go on talking about self rezzing and FROSTSHAWWWWWK.

I feel you, i mained a paladin in classic. Had to heal to pve so had full t3. But had a full conq set with naxx 2h for pvp. Was excited to play ret for sod now that they have reworked them.

But playing a shaman vs playing a ret is not even close. Its like they shouldnt even be in the same bracket with how far apart they are.

Being able to offensive dispel while instant healing / putting out damage and range slowing vs running after someone and auto attacking.

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SoD ret has mega potential, people call it a weaker Wrath version and in some respects they’re right, but are sleeping on having access to avenger’s shield again in p4 as ret. it still needs a lot of work however

it sure ain’t shaman tho

this is the part why blizzard will see less and less ppl paying for its game. the imbalance is blatant to a point where everyone involved sees it. yet they are not going to address it. its clear the devs do not play their own game. if they just spent one day in alliance pvpers shoes in bg, they would be surprised how players are still grinding through this crap. sad part is there is a limit even with classic, they might have lost that part of the paying customer base alrdy. my group of buddies have pvp on and off since 2005, non of us are subbed right now, and unless something really changes in p4 we wont ever again. thats what 10% win rate does to veteran players.

maybe they do and play a certain class :smirk:

My guild that had been together since classic release and horde all the way through went alliance in sod.

We have all now rerolled horde because of the state of balancing. No one wants to lose 90% of the bgs they join.

You guys have nightmares from p2 when enh ran with WoE and were pretty damn tanky. No time in any phases have ele even been that close. Please stop with the lies. Stop giving up once you see 3 or 4 in a bg and focus the one that over extends to get a FS on everyone that is magically grouped together. I swear they will drop in 3s, tops.

Ele’s are not tanky if they have SR. No shaman will use SR at 100% mana to prevent 20% damage… when you go oom pretty damn fast otherwise.

why would you be at 100% mana taking damage? who pops a wall at 100% health?

you literally have more armor with a shield and mail than I do with a 2h and plate lmao. you are delusional if you think ele isn’t tanky my boy. in fact it is still comparable to WotE enh sham that, while they did get a stam buff, only had 10% DR. also got riptide to use in the DR that enh didn’t have. the had MSW healing sure but not mental dex yet to skyrocket their MSW heals.

and you’re going to be even tankier in P4 now that SR is baseline and you can run earth shield on your legs

Yes, we will be a bit tankier… but right now, no stop the lies. Ele’s can easily die to a single rogue/war… even a ret that knows what he is doing. THey will have to fish for procs… while those melee stay right on top of them. With the new root it will help a bit. lol

You guys are on drugs if you think Ele’s are tanky and can take a beating longer than a couple of secs. LOL

But, RIPTIDE! lol

if you die to melee in a BG often, blame your bad healers, or yourself. you’re literally tankier than every caster lmao. you’re tankier than every melee as well. this isn’t opinion, this is literally facts.

Anyone is tanky with good healers, whats ur point again? LOL

is a mage as tanky as an ele shaman both being healed by the same healer? bro come on.

why are you so afraid of admitting your spec is busted?

How many times do I have to say “Ele are oppressive in group battles”? But far from OP just because of that. How many times do I have to say Burn rune has to be change to not work in pvp? But, Ele’s are far from OP just because of that.

You guys need to stop trying to spread lies. lol

They could legit add dwarf shamans and whatever don’t care won’t play paladin race hordeadins and call it a day. Sure they wouldn’t be balanced but then you could say each fills a different niche. And then balance from there.

But they won’t.

Because they want to preserve the faction differences and the only difference they are going to see is the starting PvP pop subtracting the graveyard PvP pop that is today.

The game will shrink and only be for people who want dead worlds and piss easy raids.

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no lies. I said they’re not insane in a 1v1. they are however broken in BGs

This we’re in agreement.

On a side note Im about to get a holy pally to 85. I wish I could make one on SoD.

cognitive dissonance greatest hits! up next:

OP racials don’t affect win rate in BGs (Cata doesn’t count)

Yes, because a single Lock can reck them. Boomkins can do similar damage. Not my or horde’s fault alliance seem to love those paladins. lol

You guys need more Locks and Hunters.

if they are losing loyal paying customer from all the way back to the broodwars, frozen throne, 2005 wow days, imagine how they would attract new customers.
we have no interest in cata or retail. they will be bleeding subs each day. hopefully revenue report will teach them the lesson that customer communication cant.

SoD paladin has potential but they’re too scared to make all the necessary changes to make them good because they’re afraid of “but what about bubble” tears.

shield swapping and hitting a dude from 30 yards away with avenger’s shield as you run up to them with a beefy 2hander and clobber them was a blast I wish you’d experienced