P4 shammy... just why?

again. where are you getting the actual participation numbers?

is blizzard leaking them to you and you alone?

If pro gives a general idea of people who are gearing toons. Every class has had a massive drop. Im talking 50% drops.

1 class has gained numbers, almost like 1 class is ahead of the rest.

Both teams where premading in p1. Like 70+% of my games where against alliance 10 stacks…

People being upset about exactly that is why they ended up creating the current queu system whereupon any groups of (X>5) people are put into a separate queu that first tries to match them against other big premades, and groups of (5=>X) where put into the normal pool.

Yeah that system wasn’t even around in p1.

They will in p4… Though their aoe thing won’t have the range to hurt AV as much as it will destroy team fights in like AB/WSG

yes i had almost forgot about starfall.

heh this is gonna suck :frowning:

it hits 20 times within 5 yards of the target but it crits on mobs in stocks for like 329 damage with the debuff on them lol…before damage reduction.

thank god it doesn’t also benefit from Starfire stun

For much of that time period enhance was a top pve dps, ele was the best pve caster, and shaman was the best tank… Are you really shocked people flocked to the class?

Your correlation doesn’t necessarily lead to the pvp causation you think it does

ahh i was unaware that they were talking about p2 .

guess it slipped my mind.

yes p2 shaman were clearly on top no question.

things have changed from that now and its no wonder people rollled shaman then.

As if melee mattered. We would be sending 0 cdr chain lightning decimating the team ourselves… we need not your flimsy steel.

Oh so the top melee dps, top caster dps doesnt translate to being top in bgs?

Remember enhance doesnt have to have outside classes buffing it to be #1 like every other melee class. They also are the only melee class to get an instant heal.

So now we are looking at top caster dps, that can out damage every other class in a bg by hitting a button once every 6 seconds and doing nothing else. Now add in them hitting 3 extra spells in between those 6 seconds and you are left with an unbalanced class that alliance cant access.

Skyy pushing for the 2h dream, but not looking good big dawg.

apparently on PTR, after you spec for 2h weapons you have 0 skill in any 2h weapon skill OMEGALUL. have to spend time leveling it to max to even test

:frowning: I want our faction classes to have glorious 2h to 2h combat


Funny thing is, ill be playing shaman P4 if they are left in the current state. I think people will just pve for gear as the AV queues will be insane.

youre conflating p2 with p3 and thinking the same applies for both .

p2 enh shaman were clearly and totally busted. way of earth + dual rb being able to output massive damage + having the effect of a full set of resilence gear including the 30% hp which no other class had other than some cooldown based skills but it was on all the time…

well enh shaman arent that anymore. in fact they are one of the most squishy classes in the game and are only “saved” by being able to use msw stacks on big heals (which is getting nerfed to only include lhw in p4) .

its different now.

the same doesnt apply both good and bad.

if ele gets pushed through as it is on the current PTR without substantial paladin buffs across holy and ret, I think I’m throwing in the towel.

I tried to hold out but fighting a one sided battle for the majority of the game killed the fun of SoD BGs.

Roll a shaman. Its a completely different experience in bgs other than say maybe a spriest?

Restore 75% of your mana every 45 seconds is bliss, never have to drink. Be super tanky and have more utility than a paladin.

Its either struggle getting dominated by shamans, or be a shaman god.

I actually funnily enough wanted to alt a 2h sham LOL

paladin will always be my main

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High end or low end an advantage is an advantage. evenly low skilled players that
Square up, that racial advantage will be the diff.

Dude just play any other melee in bgs and you will see shamans are faaaaaar ahead.

Play any other range than maybe a spriest and you will see how ele is better than every other caster.

what would he be named if he rolled a shaman?


inquiring minds want to know.

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All he needs to bind is flameshock

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I rolled one in P3 that I never leveled named “Bufretpally” lol

also have a dwarf hunter at level 14 named Feetonground, pet and bag/ammo management ain’t for me though

I got a 50 war I haven’t done much except a little PVP on too