P4 shammy... just why?

Yes but why were horde forced to group queue for faster queue times to begin with? If everything is balanced as you are saying

it wasn’t as bad, at least in my opinion, at the start of p3 before burst got nerfed and burn got giga buffed

felt like we won more than we did all of p2

Start of phase 3 wasnt as bad because people were farming rank 7 and meta classes hadnt been figured out yet. We werent vsing majority shamans in BGs as no one knew how busted they were.

But yeah the DR nerf only helped shamans and nerfed their opposing class

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Ele was way more manageable even when everyone else’s burst was high, because they didn’t get an extra 10% from having 2 surge feeders and their fs spread could be much more easily dealt with too

Pls God no.

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i diddnt say it was “balanced” even once.

i think ele is bonkers. i just know that other classes are just as if not more so bonkers .

it was the stupid changes to the queue system (that i called would not work and actually actively go against “balancing” the bgs) that incentivize horde to queue as a group.

face it dude. horde dont solo queue nearly as much as alliance.

its a fault with the system and the message that shaman are more op than everyone else so throw games if there are “too many shaman” and you guys trying to convince everyone of that fact.

well you did it.

youre welcome with the results of such a message.

yaknow dinknbink I think under that tough exterior you might just be a sweetheart :slight_smile:

But majority of horde solo queued phase 1 and 2??? Only phase 3 when BGs started to die were they forced to group queue.

Yep alliance are definitely throwing BGs to try and prove shaman are OP. They have all gotten together and agreed to do this, thats why the win rate is so low.

This is your theory compared to the very simple idea that shamans are OP and locked to 1 faction.

At least offer me candy before you try and lure me into the van

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you’ve had enough candy pumpkinhead

the majority diddnt solo queue in p1 or p2.

i dont know where youre getting your info but its false.

horde have been premading since sod started.

there were more people playing the game in p1-2 so queue times for even solo queue were quick.

theres alot less people playing currently. that is more of the reason why your solo queues arent popping than even just horde being the faction of premading.

ahh well . seems you wont get it so im done with this line of conversation.


or it could just be that sham OP since Feb and the make-a-wish kid they made the SoD version for was having a bad time so they buffed it again before blanket nerfing everybody

who’s to say for sure? :thinking:

I swore there was 1 more piece in here so I stuck my head in to look now it’s stuck.


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drink is lying.

thats actually the gnomes true form.


Yes they did… Because BGs were healthy and popping for solo queuers. The flood of “LFM AB” only started in phase 3.

Not saying horde didnt premade, but they werent forced into premading for shorter queues because of class imbalance.

You notice how BG queues for horde werent 1hr for phase 1 and 2?

You notice how there has only been 1 class to gain numbers in phase 3?

Everyone premaded p1 because they hadn’t nerfed premades down to 5 mans yet.

i didnt premade so how could that be everyone?

Again im not saying horde didnt premade, but there were more horde solo queuers than premades. There were more games with solo vs solo teams that had a healthier win % for alliance. Thats why queues werent an hour + first 2 phases.

If more horde premaded than solo queued, queues would of been an hour + for horde phase 1 and 2.

i was gonna not respond anymore about this but let me state this:

we both dont have the actual numbers of participation/win loss/ class numbers/ or any other statistical data that blizzard has.

anything we posit is anecdotal or cobbled together from forum posts / talking with other people in game/ and pure guesses on our parts.

i am guilty of acting like things are straight facts just like everyone else but we all know it to not be completely true without a doubt.

i just happen to trust my judgement and collection of knowledge from forum posts / interacting with people in game/ streams / youtube and all the other places ive learned from.

somehow though i dont trust someone who says shaman are the most op cause reasons and cant even realize that there are other classes just as if not more op than them at the moment.

at least lets be honest about our “statements of fact” being “statements of general guesses”.

You just have to look at player participation. Every other class has had a massive fall off. Every single class.

Except 1.

If you are saying they arent the strongest, why havnt hunters, boomies or spriests gained in numbers?

Are you saying only 1 class has gained in numbers because people flock to playing a mid tier class?

boomies are cracked in PVP. they don’t bring the cleave damage ele does, or the same team utility (not saying they have none, chill), and they aren’t faction specific

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