P4 shammy... just why?

So now you are saying most warlock players are bad and every shaman player is a god. Ok got it.

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no . they diddnt say that.

they said alot of warlock players are bad and i agree .

they diddnt say all shaman players were gods though.

but him saying there are no nerf warlock threads because there are no good warlock players, but the fact there are nerf shaman threads means all shamans are great players.

i explained why there are so many nerf shaman threads many many times.

thats a short version.

it’s true, I logged into a shaman for the first time in SoD on the PTR and have learned how to master the elements (no buff pots/flasks/anything but burn btw, also didn’t even bother to press fs as soon as it came off CD)

Pretend the dummies got rooted by my free team wide root

just press 4 buttons (don’t worry you just need to spam 1) and gg

yes cause people will sit there like training dummies and just allow you to free cast .


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Ok so if that was the case BGs would be healthy and popping. Because a class was strong in 1 phase doesnt mean they cant be strong the next phase.

Again the proof is in the pudding.


But can either of you dunk?


where are you getting your bg win/loss/participation of classes numbers from.

it would be interesting if that info was actually available to the public.

nah but the spam got a nice 36 yard range :wink:

And the lopsidedness is a result of horde queuing nearly exclusively in premades only in order to shorten queu timers.

I’d add, your faction seems to try and stack melee for some reason or another. No melees are good, nor will they ever be, with hunter trap launcher entrapment being a thing, and so many caster hard counters (of which ele are only a part of)…

Now you want to talk about P4 ele being broken because of the insanity that is their cloak rune? I’ll support that all day, but if they actually did mix faction bgs in the current phase so that every single horde bg wasn’t 3x 5 stacks pubstomping, and shaman where intermixed between both teams, there wouldn’t be anywhere near the amount of crying about shamans specifically… It’s currently just alliance players not understanding the actual reason bgs are so imbalanced right now. You’re seeing shaman and thinking that’s the reason, when the real problem is that the entire horde team is premades of casters/hunters who are stomping the crap out of your alliance 15man 12+melee 0 healer pugs.

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I’m just waiting for someone to show up and start harassing you about truck tires

Ok but why were horde forced to join premade queues in the first place if BGs were healthy? Remembering that the populations were balanced.

horde being incentivized to que as a group for faster ques when ally que faster solo IS a contributing factor

you have not faced ele in BGs my man

his rectum most likely…

The single largest win rate disparity between the two factions in any single BG was in Strand of the Ancients, back in the day, and even then, the horde winrate didn’t top 70%.

And it happened because Horde tended to blacklist AV/IOC (which had higher than average alliance winrates), while alliance tended too near universally blacklist SotA.

I wish it was

Ye!! Exactly

spoken like a true horde player with his head buried in the sand.

heh . nice way to put it .

i agree .

simply put (even though they are mostly trade chat pugs) horde queue with 5 all the time cause of queue times.

most of which are just random people getting the “rub” from others to shorten queue times.

but if anyone with even half a mind is putting the group together they will stack what works (ranged classes and a healer) and it will auto make the group that much more successful.

if you have solo queue heros who leeroy into the other team , no wonder you lose and very badly at that.

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Multiple people that are trying to rank have posted about a 90% loss rate for alliance. Ive got rank 7 alliance and horde, and confirm these stats. Look at others posts and you can also see these stats, not something im making up.

Having a 90% win rate as horde at the moment is very nice, but the queues are rough and im a solo queue enjoyer. I would rather a 50 / 50 win rate and have the same queues as my alliance toons do.

Until you see it from both sides you are only getting 50% of the information.