P4 shammy... just why?

Its just nonstop horde only players who dont have to vs shamans in BGs saying why other classes are more OP than the class they have never actually had to vs. Bring out horde vs horde bgs and i bet people start whining, except for the shaman mains.

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Teamfight makes absolutely no difference when the class in question is at the very back of the lines. If anything, placing a bunch of “minions” between them and you only helps them.

It’s a big part of the reason I push back on shaman being so “great” this patch. They’re not weak, but being a caster that has to run up to 25 yards to apply a dot, then run at furthest 30 yards to cast lava burst is a caster that’s asking to get pooped on by the opposing team’s backlines. An opposing team’s hunter has 16 yards of leeway to light that shaman right the hell up as they go to flameshock, and can drop a trap behind them. A boomy should be able to more or less go untouched vs them, since they can run faster, and cast faster. An opposing team warlock and shadow could have 5+ dots and a curse of tongues on the target with an 11 yard advantage, etc… Shaman being so cried about right now tells me more about the potato level players comprising the opposing team’s ranged dps than anything.

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still waiting on the worgen who should be patrolling SFK to post that tier list

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The reason you push back on shaman being so great is because you only vs hunters in BGs and not shamans. Like how are you not getting this?

Get to rank 7 on an alliance toon and come back with more info, because at the moment you arent running into 5 stack shaman teams in BGs.


heh good luck with that.

you still havent quite got it yet.

its 1% for the orc and 99% for everyone else.

but really though if someone is running at 26 yards and you push your totems you maybe have about half a second maybe before they get out of range of the totem and the pulse is not that often.

at least vs an orc you can actually cast the stun and get resisted.

the pushing the totems doesnt even really have a chance to work at all.

good thing ele earthbind is going to root everything in P4 lol

it will be a pulse too.

Proof is in the pudding.

Every other class has had a MASSIVE fall off in participation.

Only 1 class has had an increase. Can anyone guess what class this is??


my guy you think they’re as squishy as cloth casters, they are not lol. I’ve seen you say before that melee should be on them as soon as they get in fs range. they’re the tankiest caster in the game that has earth shock damage that cleaves and rots everyone and feeds them instant casts faster than it can be removed.

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No the reason shaman aren’t so great is because RANGE TO TARGET is something that actually matters more than your feelings when people actually get good at the game.

Shaman have to close range to 25 yards for flame shock… Shaman have to close range to 30 yards for Lava burst.

That’s not feelings… that’s FACTS. Nearly every silence/counterspell effect is 24 yards and instant…All the melee gap closers are 24 yards or 30 yards… EVERY SINGLE OTHER CASTER, IS CAPABLE OF 36 YARD range. Hunters are capable of 41 yard range. That is a GARGANTUAN FACT that YOU can’t seem to grasp.

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shaman have been in the spotlight since p2 early when they were really actually the top most op thing in the game.

and that was because of way of earth + dual rb and the 50% offhand increase.

people started making 2-3 posts a day on very low post count alts and the same 5 people were in every thread posted saying the same crap over and over.

it hasnt stopped since and is more of a monkey see monkey do thing than any real indication of actual balance.

things have changed and strats in bgs have changed and are way more ranged dominated and thus only the ranged classes are up at or near the top.

Ele shaman can literally out damage everyone else in a fight just by hitting that flameshock button. Dont need to LB or CL just flameshock.

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padding damage is so important compared to actually killing people.

sorry i forgot.


Overall damage =/= Effective damage… Learn the difference. I can play soul link and just mongo dot the universe and top damage while accomplishing zero actual pressure and securing zero actual kills.

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Ok, so they have to get into 25 yard range but are tankier than any other class / spec at the moment. Thats only for their initial flameshock which can bounce to people further out.

At 25 yards away from melee, alliance casters on the other side of the fight are 30+ yards from melee so cant actually target the ele shamans. People have tried to explain this to you multiple times and you just keep forgetting it?

Yeah, but an ele shaman hitting a button once every 6 seconds will still out damage you… You notice how there are no nerf warlock threads? You are proving my point.

There is literally NOTHING in the game that qualifies as “tanky” with how high burst damage is… Even post damage nerf, people will get absolutely dumpstered by a good dps.

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dude…they have a minute cooldown on a further 20% ALL damage reduction on top of the blanket 20% melee and 30% magic damage reduction ON TOP OF more armor than plate DPS lmao come on


Ele shamans having more armour than any other pvp spec at the moment makes them the tankiest in melee.

Ele shamans also get a - 10% damage from nature / frost / fire making them tanky vs casters.

Literally the tankiest class in BGs and puts out the most damage. BGs are now non existent because of the lopsidedness. But still horde / shaman players that cant think of anyone elses perspective still saying they arent strong.


Seeing how most warlocks play, it’s hardly surpising… The average BG warlock is either soul link because they can’t grasp even the basic fundamentals of positioning or Meta because anything that requires higher congnitive power than jumping up and down and spamming searing pain is beyond them.