P4 shammy... just why?

just because you’re bad at paladin doesn’t mean I auto lose in 1v1 either, I previously said already in this thread they aren’t OP in a 1v1

First, post screenshot proof of how many HKs that toon has. I want to see if Im even going to be proving facts to someone who can benefit from them. Another poster with 0 HKs? Nothing about what you have said here makes me think that you do any form of PvP in the slightest and yet want to nerf something based on what you dont play.

No paladin has ever beat a shaman of equal level and equal skill and equal gear in any version of the game where the level cap has been 60. Try playing on a class that is NOT a paladin and facing up against a shaman and I promise you 100% that you WILL have a different view on how powerful they are/aren’t.

again, you are thinking about the 1v1 environment and not BGS. Please stop thinking about the 1v1.

it doesnt make frost shock higher range. just flame shock. same with the range increase on the elemental tree. doesnt make frost shock longer it makes earth shock greater range.

Saying this as he posts on a lvl 12 worgen… Cant make this sh*t up

Im saying shamans are OP AS A SHAMAN. What now?

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lmao I have like 10k HKs, which isn’t even a lot but I also haven’t been playing p3 in over a month now because it sucks

and im saying ele are quite strong but still dont think they are the MOST OP.

whos to say who is right?

Play any other class in BGs as a non shaman and you will see why currently shaman are top tier as range and top tier in melee department. They are vastly stronger than any other class in a BG environment.

Probably the person that queues as both factions, and not just as a shaman.

Play against better hunters then…

Again, I routinely go deathless as a warlock… which has no movement speed toggle boost (hunters can cheetah), 36 yard range (vs hunters 41), and no snares currently (no coex in any build with ruin currently… hunters have conc shot, scatter shot, pet charge/root depending on pet type, and the absolute insanity that is vanilla era entrapment combined with trap launcher. I’ve also played a hunter… There are VERY FEW things that have any chance of touching a hunter, when you’re positioning right… and hell they end up being basically the only non stealth counter warlock has.

Fixed it for you big dawg

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my shadow priest who is way less geared than my enh shaman gets more kb and damage routinely.

what now?

Again, you are looking at this not as a team fight. You are looking at this as a hunter singling out a player and fighting them.

In the same time the hunter is doing this, they get dotted up and will rot to death. They dont have the outs an ele has.

I’d say in p3 spriest is prob better than enhance especially with the healing reduction

Yeah you are comparing a range to melee class so thats to be expected.


of course you throw it off cause you know range is > than melee by a mile.

funny how you dont see how that applies to the best class to be at range (with the highest range in the game) and keep range being the hunter.

yeah I know frost shock isn’t a nature spell lol, you can project totems how far tho?

not quite sure. i believe 30 yards (maybe) .

still “pushing” your totems at someone who is running from you and having to wait for the pulse while they are still running is very very finicky and super unreliable at best.

No you were comparing melee to range.

Just because hunters are the best class to be at range doesnt make them top, because you can get into their deadzone. Get into an eles melee range and they are tankier than plate wearers with a freedom. Are you starting to see why eles are an issue compared to hunters?

trying to stun the class that is usually an orc is also finicky at best lol but for some reason that’s what people always say to do and act like you can reliably