P4 shammy... just why?

you either havent played with or against a good ranged hunter or something to say what you say.

youll never ever catch a ranged hunter as any spec of shaman.

they will make you look and feel completely useless.

Even in only BGs to be talking about, shams are still not top of the pack.

Mount up, run up to them frost shock and put down a freedom totem. It is so easy in BGs.

coming from a horde shaman player, ok

lol cause you always start on a mount in the most optimal conditions right?

But a hunter will always start at 40 yard range right?

they dont need to. 21yards +

Ok so they start closer, you cast a frostshock and drop a freedom totem. You are on them and they are jumping around useless. Cast sham rage to absorb the damage, your freedom totem already absorbs a range hit

heh any hunter seeing a shaman will auto get to 21 yards + and just kite you as soon as they see you.

yeah in a world setting, in bgs they arent just looking out for the enhance shaman.

any player not being aware of their surroundings isnt the type of player that we are talking about here.

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You are literally posting on an orc shaman and making fun of me for being a Horde shaman. My Main sham is in retail. Began as an orc. Turned into a Draenei in original version of the game many years ago and in this version my Cata sham is also a Draenei. I only have Horde ones when there is no other options to.

As I said even where shamans buffed right now in SoD, they still would not be top.

Im not making fun of you, im simply saying you are getting your info from 1 side. If you had an alliance toon you were ranking in sod you would get the info from both sides and your opinion would vastly differ.

In a bg, yes the hunter should always be starting at 40+ yards… If you’re running in mounted, they should see you coming and trap /shoot you accordingly, or be mounted themselves to kite back. If can do it on a snareless warlock at 36 yards, you better believe any decent hunter is doing it with more range, multiple snares, a speed boost, and an instant cc. You being on a mount changes absolutely nothing if you have to over extend 30 yards to even tag them once. You will get snared into a trap field and deleted whilst incoming.

lmao all this yapping and still no PVP tier list video??? the burden of proof is on you

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Crazy thing about BGs though is there is more than 1 person fighting. It is super easy to get on hunters compared to ele shamans. Hunters dont have a freedom totem.

You are looking at this from 1 side where you dont have to vs ele shamans in BGs.

you know the p3 STV totem makes it 25 yards not 20 right? and the ele tree gives 6 more yards on nature spells (CL)

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I was killing lv60 shamans in era at lv40 on my NE hunter.

A “GOOD” hunter will not let himself get snared (or have something to combat it, ex: Fap) yes, It can be purge… but that snare is off and he is getting range. There are just so many terrible hunters just like most Rets are terrible. =P

yes, but the ST totem is better. =P

we are talking about equal skill (actually skilled players and not lopsided matchups where the shaman starts with huge advantage sitting right by the hunter) they will both be aware of each other and act accordingly.

a hunter wins this matchup vs any type of shaman 9/10 times and twice on sundays.

the only way to beat the kite is to retreat back to safety and just not get kited at all.

but if you HAVE TO KILL THE HUNTER OR THE HUNTER KILLS YOU!!! the hunter is winning this . especially if its only the hunter on a node and youre going solo trying to cap it.