P4 shammy... just why?

i think the problem here is people who are saying “this class is op” always put them in the best light they possibly can and never put them in anything but.

i try to look at many different situations and possibilities and also weigh in other classes and their capabilities.

while i think that ele is borked i also can say other classes are at or near the same level as them.

thats the problem though. if you cant even see the possibilities of them being less than THE BEST THERE IS THE BEST THERE WAS AND THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE.

(sorry watching wwe rivals of stone cold vs bret heart :smiley: )

if you’re not team Stone Cold this conversation ends here and that’s the bottom line

my name is notop so that means shamans cant be op

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well damn you got me there :triumph:

People who actually play.

Oh the same people that are currently in 0 BGs?

link plz :thinking::thinking:

Shams have never been top. The same 4 or 5 people have been saying that since SoD came out. All the PvP vids for SoD all the SoD PvP tier lists say different. Just Snutz, Ziqo and Pshero all saying that. Shams are not top in SoD. Never have been. And yes it has been the same 5 or so people saying that they are OP here for months now. If you ever stepped foot into any BG ever in SoD, you would not be saying that. Or WPvP. Shams top out at A, max. Never have been S. And you people act like they are S+ which is #1 among S tier. No. Not even close.

If shams got a buff right now, then they MIGHT be S tier. But they aren’t even top among the A tiers.

Can you give us the tier list? Im curious to see whats, what.

So the people that are saying that are horde players that got rank 7 day 1 of phase 3 and havnt entered a BG since. Are you sure they arent talking about 1v1 duels as they enter duel tournaments alot? Interested to see a list / video with any of them saying this.

yeah shaman isn’t really OP in a 1v1 duel, enhance was in P2, but in p3 yeah I’d say they’re A tier dueling classes

honestly in the most recent “meta” i would say it like this:

hunter=spriest>ele sham = moonkin.

so either 3rd or 4th depending on how you see it.

who knows what it will be in p4.

thats my best thoughts on it.

Enh soon to be full S tier. But these people keep saying it is Ele which is not the case.

Those who entered the dueling tournies. They had what class they fought set up for them. Such as in the Mak Gora one when they put Pshero vs a hunter. Hunt hard cancels rogue so ofc he lost with ease.

The tier lists for Bgs are based on what class does best overall in BGs and also in open world PvP. Who counters best and has the most counters on average. Currently, that is not the shaman. Ele needs a buff tbh. World best enh going vs worlds best ele… that ele then loses 100% of the time while everyone claims ele is the best.

Boomkins are S and some put them as top of all at S+.

And yes also @Lightbwithu…you are going to cause shams to get nerfed for no reason if you keep posting stuff like this. Maybe that’s your goal? Pallies have never been able to 1v1 a sham in the Classic version of the game no matter how good they were.

You’re not ever beating any sham on that paladin ever. Not in regular level 60 version of the game and not in SoD. Just a fact of life.

Yeah you dont BG against shaman though. As someone that plays both factions and have got multiple rank 7s through BGing it goes

Ele shaman > Spriest > Boomy = Hunter

The fact you think hunter is at top is hilarious. Just get in their dead zone and they are useless. Can stop a boomy dps aswell, only people you cant interrupt at the moment are ele and spriest.

You got any evidence to back this up? Because eles are currently topping damage / KBs in BGs…

No one here is talking about world pvp. You keep going back to 1v1s.

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Any ranged hunter letting anything but a stealth or a mage (via blink) into their deadzone doesn’t know what they’re doing.

I’d have it for P3:

Shadow > Marks Hunter >>>>>>>>> Boomy = NF/Ruin Lock >>>> Ele > Destro

P4, with AV meta and current listed changes I’ll say it’s likely to be more:

Marks Hunter/ELE >> Fire > Warlock (both SM/Ruin and Deep Destro) = Boomy > Shadow

For Non AV BGs:

Ele/Boomy >>> Hunter >>>>>>> SM/Ruin + Destro > Shadow

Most of yall are keyboard turning backpedaling clickers anyway

Yeah but you dont BG against horde, i can guarantee no alliance player would say a marks hunter > ele shaman.

An ele shaman in greens can put out more pressure than a hunter in full BiS

I talk all forms of PvP. What is best overall. And that most certainly is not the shaman. So… some here will cause them to get nerfed if they can when they have never seen S tier for the entirety of SoD.

No way you would be calling shams OP over everything else if you actually played that toon apart from simply leveling it. Most OP version of shams right now is probably MoP Remix.

Yeah bud no one here talking about all forms, just BGs. So your points are invalid.

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