P4 shammy... just why?

well the train of thought that leads to that makes alot more sense now cause everything is solved.

its just incentives .

if something gives you an advantage at all or gives the illusion of such , people are going to flock to it that are actually serious about winning.

I guess the 10% or so that cared about pvp on alliance love to lose? lol

idk where you keep pulling this 90/10% number out of or whatever, not picking the meta doesn’t just make you a bad player automatically.

saying statistically, really good players will flock to an inherent advantage.

i wouldnt say love to lose.

i would say its not in their priorities to win as much when they made the character.

we all know that the racials are an advantage. (how much is up in the air).

this is solved content.

its all about mindset.

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I wanted to play a ret paladin in SoD with actual buttons to press, it was my first character back in the day and wanted to experience a nostalgic world while also being juiced up. I knew horde would have racial advantages, I did NOT account for things like P2 enhance and current iteration+PTR iteration of Ele shaman being so insane that we would have this massive of a loss rate in BGs

i also want to point out something that also proves the point of mindset.

how many times as an alliance player have you heard :

“just let them win”
“its better honor per hour to lose fast”

or some other version of that .

and for those that play horde , how many times have you heard that?

I can tell you why I and my guild has played alliance for so long. We wanted faster bg queues and fun world pvp. In classic era never had a losing record in wsg/ab only lost AV during scorched earth meta. And when Era started pop’n again over a year ago, same thing. Alliance win a lot more then they lost and AV where horde stop playing D became a winning bg for us.

too many times. HOWEVER. let me also give you SoD ally pvp enjoyer POV:

I saw it wayyyyy less at the start of P3 when we were doing rank 7 push week one. the longer P3 progressed, when I’d queue for fun, the more frequent the throwers became.

I saw it less at the start of P2, and way more frequently as the phase went on.

I believe this is for a few reasons:
-there is a number of alliance PVPers who just gave up and rerolled shaman (there are even a few frequent reroll posters on these forums) because they wanted to win
-there is also a number of alliance PVPers who didn’t want to queue after the rank grind, not because they don’t care about PVP (rank 5 gave a better PVP trinket, no actual stats for PVE only players), but because the state of BGs was just unfun, and thought maybe next phase will be better
-the alliance who are left queueing late into the phases are either masochists or people like that one human priest a few weeks ago that made a whole post bragging about how he was throwing games in his R7 push (he still hadn’t gotten it)

its all mindset.

if you want to win bad enough or its enough of a priority you will do what you can to win.

they saw an advantage and they went with it.

advantages dont even have to be game breaking. they can just be seen as such or even just as any advantage and the people serious enough to win (that arent intentionally going up against the “harder” competition) will change to the advantage.

I can see why SOD alliance aren’t happy. I’m was talking in general. =) And from my experience of playing alliance for the last 10+years.

If locks and Mages were more fun. I don’t think we’ll be having this talk about OP shamans. And yes, Shamans are OP… well, not resto. LOL

this is an issue that compounds on itself when the advantage actually is gamebreaking lol

1 person literally cannot cleanse the flame shock output of 1 shaman in a blacksmith clash before 5 more can go out. Soban had mentioned WSG, and tbh I hadn’t played WSG at all since the burn rune change, they need to put a timer in there fr. I can see how you can say “just don’t stack” as an actual defense in WSG, it’s literally a wide open field that you can still run with your team. the damn trees aren’t even LoS.

in AB though, elemental is gamebreakingly oppressive. and they’re about to be able to root a whole team, flame shock 5 dudes to feed surge (while also dealing an additional 60% dot damage!!! LOL burn is 100% fs damage!!!), and literally spam CL with no CD. who cares about the mana cost of those spells, shammy rage is a 1 min CD (also gives you damage reduction) to make sure people don’t live through CL spam. imagine 3 or 4 eles at any choke point now. root the whole team and zap them like bugs.

this is going to be a real problem and if you guys care about healthy PVP you should be on my side about this. I’ve said many times I don’t want shaman gutted, I want yall to have fun. but damn man I want to be able to have fun too.

Outside of giving Shaman’s to alliance. I just dont see nothing happening at this point there is no fixing them w/o getting gutted. I have said Burn rune shouldnt work in PVP that will help some (leave the SP buff). But, Im telling you if Locks and Mages were more fun and good. Shamans wouldn’t be too much of a concerned.

for starters, don’t give them storm earth and fire lmao

they could come up with something else, sheesh

I’ll be ok if they remove the spammable CL part. We do need the root part.

Have you watched Shobek the last few days? or at all. He is trying to keep alliance alive in SOD. lol

No horde really has not, it’s a joke maybe you run 20 games and lose 3 as alliance. The only time horde win is getting enough alliance players in cata on their team. So stop with the nonsense.

heh being within 20 yards for the range of flame shock or 30 or so for being able to “push” your totems to root people has its own disadvantages.

as the big deal of pvp will be av which is raid vs raid , often people that are caught pushing too close are the first to get ate by the opposing raid.

there are certain points on the map that allow for casting behind something or up on a hill where its hard to get to but that is not the whole map and only matters when the fighting is near enough to be within range for it to matter.

most of what a shaman can do effectively other than flame shock can be done by the other range classes if they are unmolested.

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All I picture with this root rune + CL is.

40 Gandalf Shamans standing at a choke screaming “you shall not pass!!”.

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Shammy are not most powerful in SoD PvP. Never have been. I really think you people just complain nonstop about whatever topic is trending to complain about. They barely get rated as even A tier by all those who grade the classes for SoD. Find something original to complain about.

what PVP tier list would rate ele shaman at A and not S? lmao

plz link. you must be watching PVE tier lists where they’re the strongest of the casters.

in this thread: everyone who isn’t a shaman “ele shaman are busted”

shaman “we’re not THAT OP”
shaman hiding behind worgen “we’re not OP!”

ok guys :smirk:

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Chain lightning go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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