P2 will cause servers to die


Yeah saw that already. Just some little zug crying his eyes out.

It really didn’t. Mega one faction servers were basically a thing going into tbc

I agree with you about the overall issues. Earthfury is also just one of a string of servers. I would be shocked if almost every PVP server isn’t 99% or totally dead within a few months time. That 99% definitely includes Benediction (it’s strange that people transfer there as ally right now and think that the horde will stay there
 all things considered).

At this point, my plan is to wait and see if any server will offer any sort of a World PVP experience in around 6 months when things stabilize (I’ll gank with an ally on Earthfury for now too). If something does I’ll roll something on the outnumbered side. If not well, I’ll be down to one raid logging account or maybe raid logging plus fresh Classic.

A lot of the people responding do not care because they are pure PVE server players and they don’t even lIke World PVP or any PVP really. Who knows why they are in the thread. I do not personally in any way regret rolling on a PVP server. I would have had a DRASTICALLY less fun time up until now had I rolled on a dull and boring PVE server at the start. So even if everything falls apart now and my server becomes just as dull and boring the good times were worth it.

Blizzard had all of classic and up until now to unlock PVE to PVP transfers. But they still haven’t done it. At this point it’ll be too little too late even if they do it. Most of what’s left on dying minorities is going to be abandoning ship with P2 I am sure. Every PVP realm is basically going to be PVE, making me wonder why PVP was hosted in the first place.

I’m glad I didn’t go PVP. I already learned all the lessons in the past, and did not trust anyone to do anything about them here. I was often mocked as a coward or some such crap; but I’m not the one suffering on my minority faction, am I? We can play just fine. The scumbag alliance majority we have can’t do much to us beyond hogging zone buffs and world bosses.

it IS an internet forum
what did you expect ?

IIRC it wasn’t til the end of Wrath when there were a lot of one faction servers.

It increased then, but most of the old original vanilla servers were one faction dominant.

Well put gold on it then, if you’re so confident

Honestly don’t see TK being that much of an issue with flying mounts, but CR seems like it’s going to be bad

people will take SSC as a template for the isle of Quel’danas
so yeah , every major pvp server will turn into PvE within weeks of p2
not even a matter of IF
only when

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Good? Pvp servers are a meme and this was inevitable. Factions are a joke and pvp servers with a faction system is the biggest joke


They were going to camp them no matter what. Just look at the entrance to Kara or Gruuls.

Rolling on a pvp server, especially ones that were balanced and then ruined by free transfers, or coordinated transfers that could not have been for seen isn’t a reason to be ok with being outnumbered 10-1 and shut out from 50-60% of the game.

PvP server problems. Just turn them into PvE servers and it will all be gg.

You jest but it’s probably coming

If you roll the dominant faction and roll on a server dominated by that faction, you’re not looking for PVP. Anyone that wants to fight should want a lot of opponents

I always find the ones that talk the most crap are the most likely to ride coattails


See this statement doesnt usually hold though. A lot of the initial intent with classic release was even faction pvp servers. They slowly move toward a 60/40 for awhile, then gradually move toward a single faction faster as the minority side drops. Then you get people making claims like you looking at current ironforge data, when players didnt start that way.

Maybe, but I suspect more that the death and adjustments have already happened. As a result of Classic P2, severs split into mostly Horde or mostly Alliance. Since that time there has been no real incentive for that to rebalance, so I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect any further significant shifts.

We all knew this would be the eventual outcome of a two faction PvP server in a 15+ year old game that is extremely well documented. In WoW, gear wins. Failing gear, numbers win. An advantage of either can deny access to the latter. There is no catch up mechanic and there is no mitigation. Once a faction has “won” a server, there is no recovery. The only option left for the losing side is for players to move on to somewhere else.

It’s not good game design, but it’s the game people wanted. In the end though, for people who like open world PvP, nobody really won in P2.


And what would you want them to do?

p2 caused servers to die already.