P2 will cause servers to die

God, PvE servers are glorious.


I think they have made it clear they really dont care so there is no point trying to use it as a point of argument.

I bet these types see 100/0 pvp servers as a victory.


The last two+ years of popcorn has been fantastic.

It’s a shame that people pick PvP servers without reading what it is


Oh no they totally do. Visit the Stalagg forums, you have people bragging there they “won” the war against the other faction when their H pop was like 3k.

Now Stalagg is deader than my low pop server. Lol.


You are the fat guy with the cash in this scene in wake of the horde.

…on Benediction.


Alliance was camped ery day from what i remember

Right… and the server is going to become a de facto PvE server for you soon. Just like how Fairbanks was decently balanced but favored just enough Horde to keep everything locked down in P2, and now they’ll be a de facto PvE server as well.

Why should it? Because ally are garbage? So be it.

For the same reason Horde are “garbage” on your server… you outnumber them over 2 to 1. Fairbanks is >90% Horde, but it was where Benediction is currently only about 2 months ago.

You’re only doing well on your server because no one can oppose you, and more are jumping ship from Benediction every day. P2 is going to make Benediction a PvE server. Enjoy.


Lmao this thread reminds me of a doomsday prepper yelling at kids outside

"End of the world is coming! You’ll see! You’ll remember I told yah so! Listen to me and stop having fun! Dang blasted kids. How dare you think what you think! Think what i think! Dang kids. Off my lawn endquotez


Alliance were crapped on P2 on bene. Server stabilized. Yeah now Bene is all that because a lot of good pvpers transferred here. Luck of the draw really. At the end of the day it’s beyond an individuals control because that’s the nature of a pvp server.

“The game will die if you don’t hurry up and bring out P2”
“P2 will kill the game.”

This is why Blizzard has adopted the “Can’t Win, Don’t Try” approach.


Future PvE server*

Allow me to repeat the answer alliance gave to horde when they complained about PvP. “Reroll then bro nothing is stopping you”


I’d bet gold won’t happen. Bene will still be a great server.

Well Wushinom particularly wants this scenario to come about, I suppose he can have his fun for the brief minute that he is able to camp Horde without retaliation.

Open PvP servers always attract the griefing, immature and/or sociopathic personality types in great abundance, so it never ends well, regardless. It’s like willingly moving into a neighborhood/region that has “Purge” (referencing the movie) rules in effect 24/7/365. Who is surprised that complete chaos ensues?

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Ok Freud calm down and drink your apple juice.