P2 Removal of Glory of the Raider Achievements

Do you think that the Ulduar and ICC meta achievements should be locked to their phase?

The mounts have some amount of prestige if they become unobtainable but the way to obtain it is based on other people not dying; something which is sometimes unavoidable.

The other raid meta achievements don’t have an “immortal” aspect linked to it, the closest we get that I can think of is in TotGC with the Tribute to Immortality achievement where it allows deaths but not a total raid wipe.

It doesn’t matter if later loot trivializes the achievement, do you think that the Glory of the Hero achievement should be restricted in some way? It’s a meta achievement that rewards a mount and while it’s not a 310 the Red Proto-Drake is still a pretty nice mount. The fact that it’s the dungeon meta doesn’t really change much, it gets easier to obtain the longer the game exsits much like the raid metas and there’s no restriction to it.

If I were to choose between keeping Glory of the Raider (10/25) I’d honestly choose keep, I see no real reason for it to be restricted to only phase 1. I have both the Black and Plagued Proto-Drakes and even before that I had Ashes so I didn’t need a 310 mount to begin with so maybe I’m biased but in my opinion, they’re not that special, most people only need like 2 achievements if they’ve been raiding since first reset and it’s more than likely that one of those two achievements are Immortal/Undying because people either keep making dumb decsisions or an unlucky death which robs them of their achievement.

A meta achievement is something a raid group will aim for when raiding week to week and while sure, no one really aims to die in boss fights but I shouldn’t be rewarded for someone else not dying. An individuals death shouldn’t prevent the group from getting a meta achivement which is probably why there aren’t any in the other 2.

Thanks for coming to my tangent.

If they keep them in, which I am fine with, on one hand it seems better, on the other it seems like a big middle finger to those on retail.

Only way to fix that feeling is to reinstate that meta.

Personally I think Immortal and Undying are cool.

I can see why they didn’t repeat them, but I think they’re perfect achievements for Naxx.

It’s harder to die in Naxx than it is to not die. There are 0 unavoidable or BS deaths. Getting an entire raid to be focused for the whole run is, IMO, a very cool achievement.

I also think that with gear, the small places where you CAN die get even easier than they already are, and because of this - the achievement should either be restricted to a specific P1 ilvl, or removed entirely.

Naxx drakes were removed originally cuz they’re 310 mounts. The meta mounts for the rest of wrath are 280s.

That said, I don’t want them removed, I think the ilvl restriction is the right call.

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Yes, your achievement is very super and very special in a decade old game.

You did such a good job defeating a Decade plus year old solved game, and now you want to gate keep others from getting a old mount in a decade old version of a video game. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

How is anyone being gatekept when you can do the achievement right now?

They want to remove the achievement, that’s the gate keeping part.

It’s a stupid mindset. Seriously idgaf if someone in ICC decides to go back and do the glory of the northrend raider quests for T7 stuff to get a mount.

Let them get the mount, it’s not like your going to forever use only these mounts, people move on to the next flashy mount soon enough to show off.

How exactly can something that is easily and readily accessible be gatekept after the fact?

I genuinely don’t understand the logic.

You can’t get a real Sunwell Plateau experience ever again (outside the obvious of a TBC do over).

Is this gatekeeping the experience of that raid or is it recognizing that the game moves forward and old content is never the same?

If people want to go back to Naxx 25 man and 10 man it in Naxx gear for the proto drake and achivements, then who are we to care?

People play video games for the purposes of it being fun.

Everyone enjoys the game in a different way. Let them, it’s a decade plus old video game that’s already had significant changes baked into it.

This entire topics dumb, and the people wanting to take the meta achievement mount away sound like children crying because they have to share their toys.

I can’t seriously believe actual adults act like this. :joy: :rofl:

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I’m not arguing about removing it idgaf.

Calling it gatekeeping is wrong tho. That word is overused and cringe.

Nah. It fits perfectly fine.

if you don’t like the term gate keeping, well… too bad? I don’t really care.

Yeah that’s fair no one cares what you have to say either so I guess we’re both retards.

Either that or release 280% versions as a reward instead. Ez fix that keeps the prestige of the originals and allows those that missed the dateline to have their drake as well.

Prestige? Dude its 2022 lmao, take a seat.

If you never got it in 2008 with a gtx 660, athlon 1800 and a 256kb connection, then you didnt earn it.

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It wasn’t like that back in the day, stop being a snob.

People want this removed why?

It caused not only an uproar, but blizzard later came out and admitted this was a dumb idea

The mounts were removed only because of a philosophy that quickly changed


This is wrong
You could not die, and could not wipe

There was a time when i cared. That was back in 2008 or whatever. Back then only very few people were able to obtain these mounts. Ulduar and ICC mounts were much easier to get.

Now a days when i see someone on one I’m like, cool, but it’s not as glorious in a game that is 100% solved.

Side note for the hardcores: in future phases while everyone is just getting these mounts you’ll be flying around on your new shiny rusted/ iron proto drakes. So congratulations, you’re still better and have something to show for it.

You have absolutely no idea what gatekeeping is

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Nobody on these forums knows what that word means. They think any obstacle or challenge = gatekeeping.