P2 Removal of Glory of the Raider Achievements

Couldn’t agree more. I put WotLK Classic achieves on my resume (as I assume most everyone does)…more plebs beefing up their resumes with fake a$$ achieves is taking food off my table. So if they decide to keep those incredibly important achievements in P2, the blood will be on Blizzard’s hands when Cheetos and Taco Bell go belly up.

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if only they removed all the mounts after each patch when next tier came out. My retail mounts would feel so much cooler lol

I agree that some sort of ilevel restriction sounds like a good compromise.

At least these mounts are easily obtainable, compared to the ultra limited Scarab Lord mount.

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Can you E-peen guys please go away? There is a date on the achev so people can see when you got it. You either did it hard mode or easier mode… Who the flip cares?!

Thats right E-peen geeks.
Of all things in all of WoW this is the hill you wanna fight on?

15 year old expansion and THIS stuff still? I am at a lost for words and the ones I wanna use will get me banned.



But that isnt about you? Its about the other player getting them. Or are you those type that your feelings/wants over other players feelings and wants?

Just shut up and play the game my god. You people need something more than this in life.

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I wished there were more real classic players active in this forums. There are too many retail fan bois with almost no understanding of the old game’s philosophy and basic elements. Riding on #NoChange only when it’s about RDF. Trying to cut from this game in every possible way to make it as meaningless, soulless and dull as retail. Disgusting little rats.

I do hope the same great person at blizzard who decided to take out RDF in wotlk is in charge of making the decision for these achievements.

Leave achievements alone… imho. No reason to stop people from getting them later… other then gatekeeping. People who want them gone most likely enjoy Ahead of the Curve also… aka selling slots to people


I prefer Classic simply stop removing things.

That could be mounts but also old raids (Naxx, ZG) or zones (Azeroth in Cata).


A lot of these people do not have much in real life to be proud of. And the ones that just insult are the most pathetic.


If you are playing Classic you are a real Classic player.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


You’re complaining about insults while telling people who disagree with you they have nothing in life to be proud of.

Is it that surprising that some people expected achievements to work the same as they did originally? Changing it isn’t the end of the world, but there’s no doubt it sucks some of the air out of the achievement for those who prioritized it knowing there was a deadline.

Naxx was the only meta that required you do kill every boss without dying in a single run, which I think sets it apart from every other wrath meta achievement and why I figured they never brought the black drake back. There should at least be a gear restriction if it stays in the game, as with full ICC gear it’ll be hard not to get immortal every run.

So something crazy, but Glory of the raider in phase one is already easy by default.

but what skill? hoping someone doesn’t fall asleep at the keyboard failing the achievement for everyone and were punished for their mistake. If we want to talk about skill lets look for the people who got the world/server first rocking their titles.

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But that is just it, most of the people who want the drakes removed have the “I got yours so @#$% you!” attitude. It is also narcissism and their toxic comments show on these very forums and even more so on reddit.

“Expected to work the same as originally”? I mean honestly who cares if they change things to match the current design philosophy. Blizzard already has admitted it being a mistake.

As for Immortal, that is a badly designed achievement that should of never been part of the meta. But i really do not want to go into all that now.

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Lmao, gatekeeping so hard, low t beta.

They arent even hard to get, just reset bosses if someone dies to cheese immortal/undying, the only ‘challenging’ achieves.

This is classic, its a joke, nobody sees a black proto and is in awe.

You can only reset on the first boss. After a ID is generated, any death during a boss encounter nullifies immortal/undying for the entire raid group.


How is it badly designed? It just says don’t die, which is the top priority on any boss fight anyways

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Please save this kind of try-hard, time-limited gatekeeping for WotLK Season of Mastery Classic Servers, where it belongs.

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Keep saying whatever makes you feel better. Its about e-peen on a 15 yr old expansion and it IS pathetic.

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So? Again check the date. Just stop gatekeeping, its pathetic and so 2009