P2 is only 3 weeks

I don’t command any authority, comprehend what I’m saying. Blizzard is releasing content for players like myself, not you.

I have been playing the old school AV a bit, yes. Other than that, I have no interest in retail. You should post on your latest retail character, so we can see the last time you played.

Pretty sure we have several expansions to get through first…

I logged on and did the legacy raids so my /played since I got Pathfinder has been around 4hours total on Retail.

I only care about the account because it has 500+ days on it.

I don’t understand the mentality of “the game will be dead once all content will be released” private servers did the same thing and they maintain a stable population for years and people grind the same things over and over again. The only thing it will change is that you’ll be maxed out your char with full naxx gear, start another alt and do exactly the same over and over. The game is just starting


He has to know that everything he says is laughable. Most of the playerbase from Vanilla started AFTER Battlegrounds were already in the game. Battlegrounds are content for low level players as well.

Giving low levels players an opportunity to PvP at their level, and to take a break from the grind isn’t going to make them quit.

What a joke.


They also had resets and what not to invite new players.

You know why none of my friends want to play a game with 8 expansions, level cap of 120, 15 years of content… because they’re so far behind that there’s no point.

Totally agree. I’m more excited for battlegrounds than I am for any of the raids.

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You miss the point again, but that’s not really out of character.


This is called being a hypocrite, btw.

I was talking about Classic and private Classic servers. Retail is another thing completely different and numb down.

My point was that nothing will change once Naxx content release, people will carry on playing all the way up to Naxx and start over, like private servers did.

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And your argument is out the window, again. There is no real catching up in Modern WoW, it takes a week to be caught up.

You buy the expansion, you boost, you level in the AV event which takes 2 hours to go from 110-120 and then you spam Mythic+ with friends.

Something we all love and enjoy, amiright?

You’re missing the point. Once Classic is “done” myself, and many others, are leaving. Will I keep my account and “play” Shadowlands. Probably. But considering I used to be Cutting Edge, I don’t consider 4hours every 4months to be me playing.

How? You think my buddies don’t want to see the content I’ve seen for the past decade? BFA is a joke so why would they want to experience that?

I don’t really understand what you are celebrating. Alliance are going to be obliterated in that too.

You thought you did, but you didn’t. Leave now, it’ll save you some stress in the near future.

Oh Galdor. Since you command Blizzard could you let them know I think its too fast. Considering they go on your schedule?

I’m starting to wonder if you’re a streamer in disguise or not…

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If you actually read the blue post they are adding in BG’s sooner then expected due to the overwhelming negative experience players have been posting with WPvP.

It is true that high pop classic servers have WAY larger player bases then any Vanilla server had, but it is also a direct response to players coming on to these forums and crying about it.

“Wha wha I went on a PvP server and I can’t level in peace now! Why is PvP happening on a PvP server?!”
“My guild wants to raid but there’s 100+ people camping BRM! Halp Bliizerd!!”

You have the complainers to thank for this change in schedule. But to be honest both sides are correct.


So first off. World pvp is obnoxious. I hate it. Second. I play on a pvp server because I hate myself and it’s more realistic. Third. They really shouldn’t be adding BGs until ATLEAST the first high warlords/grandmarshals are achieved. Blizzard is falling into the same nonsense trap they fell into with expansions in retail. They’re folding to the most base casual players who are loud and complaining constantly, which is always a mistake since they’re complain no matter what. I can’t wait for bwl and bgs so I can pvp. But this is way to fast. Like nonsensical. Blizzard please reconsider.


Guess asmongold won’t have to reroll on a carebear server.

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But i thought people wanted closer to vanilla like :stuck_out_tongue: there was no GM/HW until AFTER bgs in vanilla


which according to you worked. So go ahead and keep whining about it and see how well your theory works for you.