Owlweaving and the degeneracy of Lycara's Meditation

God I love talents that no one likes but people have to take for throughput those are my favorite design decisions that are always universally enjoyed!!


This please. If the talent is going to be a throughput gain and therefore mandatory and it’s too close to the patch to remove it, may as well make it passive and unobtrusive.


Dont think this is something people who parse under 80% need to worry about trying to utilize honestly.

I think I’ll just

Not? Sounds annoying and not like anything you’d play Feral for. The vast, vast majority of us aren’t putting up anywhere near close enough to high percentile performance to care about something this small.

I don’t see why it exists either, but like, just don’t do it? You can do that. It’s not like Momentum/Inertia vs Not on DH where the difference is COLOSSAL.

No just remove it


Youre not allowed to make logical arguments like this. Hurts peoples ego

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So just throwing my thought out on this, and in no way do I think myself as a great or even good feral, more mediocre. I have played with the SL owlweave and while I didn’t enjoy it, I felt it was somewhat manageable. I understand that this is a choice to go for but even then I feel the existence of it kind of pushes away from the idea of being a cat and wonders if the idea of a boomkin playing the wrong spec with how much shapeshifting to boomkin will be happening. While this is not as broken, this does give me a bit of a memory of how Furor(I think this was the name of the talent) from alpha/beta where the constant shapeshifting was how to become a broken spec. I don’t see this as being a healthy addition to at least the feral spec and would definitely need a relook, or at least a temporary removal to return in maybe the 11.1.5 patch. Again this is just my 2 cents on this.


Did I argue against that in any way?

I am telling you, objectively, you can just not do it. You are completely free to do so. It doesn’t matter to any degree that you aren’t. I’d ideally like to see stupid design like this quashed, too, but in the mean-time . . .

Just don’t do it? Like. You can choose that :slight_smile: .

See, the difference is that these are for utility. Shapeshifting into forms other than your spec’s main one SHOULD be used for utility, not throughput.


This is why this post exists though.



And it bears saying that you can literally just choose to not do it, in the mean-time, which makes a lot more sense than tweaking out about it IMO.

I don’t think anyone is tweaking out, I think it’s a reasonable red flag to be raised when there’s degenerate gameplay implications that effect literally every spec of druid which exactly 0 of the specs enjoy the gameplay of.


Please for the love of Azeroth don’t let this happen. You already removed one way this became ‘degenerate’ with this talent. Owlweaving should never be a thing. You’d never see a boomkin catweaving for a DPS gain.


You might think people don’t need to worry about it but there are large swaths of people who want to minmax their performance across the entire class who don’t want to be forced into this gameplay pattern.

Blizzard has stated multiple times that shifting for throughput isn’t the design goal and changes it when that becomes a gain. There’s really no argument to be had here.


Its a lingering stat buff. Even using it as only utility shifting will still result in increased throughput.

Which with the dungeon pool for S2, i know a few mechanics that force you off the boss for a few seconds which will benefit from doing such. (Or just throwing out a few ranged spells so youre not sitting on your thumbs)

It can be treated as a passive bonus, which still yields a net positive. Its not like were gonna be swapping to Boomkin form for every finisher anyway.

Not liking something doesnt automatically make it degenerate lol

Solution: cannot occur more than once every 30-60 seconds

The difference is that this throughput is just that- a bonus. You are using a shapeshift form for utility and you happen to get a bit more stats after getting back into your main form. In these instances, it is not something you have to do in order to more effectively play your role’s primary goal.

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This grizzle person from the aptly named guild may have a point, just dont play the game. I never knew it were so simple…leave it to the simple minded to come up with the best solution.

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You’re right, I actually really don’t like Tigers Fury I’m just not gonna talent it!

This was i assume the intended design, but someone had to create a weakaura that tracks a checklist to tell them that hey, all 13 of these criteria has been met, shapeshift for a bonus, but if you shapeshift at 12 or less check boxes you lose dps, all to gain 25k dps to my 2m dps which is totally noticable and the one thing that’ll save a sub 2% boss wipe!!

Whereas joeshmoe uses it for utility and gains 16k dps

The end of ze world!!