Did blizzard take away my abilities to talent into balance spells?
No but they made them not throughput gains intentionally and have changed them when they were.
So owlweaving is, as its always been, optional and available.
As it stands, the same downtime is present to Ferals without that talent. Meaning to “optimize” your character, you should still be owlweaving in Sunfire at a minimum during energy regen times. Yet youre not. But its a DPS increase anyway. Why not?
But you understand that its now a dps gain?
I think the real discussion should be about whether this leads to fun gameplay for the spec, not about the tuning of bosses.
If you are on the side of not wanting to use it because you couldn’t execute well enough to get value from it, why would you argue against those players who are skilled enough to do so, but are asking for it to be removed. Clearly they can foresee the situation that you cannot where the optimal way to play is unfun.
how can cat do this? chicken is FOOD not FRIEND!
Because it’s not a DPS increase currently.
Hello, if anyone reads this who can make a change I hope it finds you well.
The news of feral owlweaving becoming a thing again single-handedly took all the excitement out of the patch for me. Please change the talents to not allow for this play style. It’s clunky at best. Thank you.
Its not that i cant see it.
Its simply that outside of farming parses, its not required.
How many scenarios exist where a group wipes to an enrage timer where a Feral is still alive, and the boss has less than 20 million HP, where the 1-2% dps gain from a talent would have prevented it. Solely that one Druids performance.
Again, there is more of a dps difference between #2 Feral and #3 Feral, than the total amount of DPS this talent offers. Meaning if #2 Ferak didnt take the talent and #3 Feral did…their positions would not change on the charts.
This is how miniscule the gain is
Wrong again, but that’s ok
It seems we both agree that we would be okay if it was removed, so lets end it there and ask blizzard to address it.
ST fight
2.1% difference between #2 and #3
The claim as per OP is 1.5% in ST, ive been giving the benefit of 2%
No. It still has value for the other specs
If the talent stays, all of those guys will be owlweaving to continue competing with each other at that level, and they overwhelmingly agree that it would be unfun and they don’t want it. #3 and #5 are even the ones who started this thread about it on EU/NA
Prove it
Coming in to agree and will be posting my own.
The use of this Talent in retail is ridiculous. Awful. And quite honestly, just Blizzard not listening to ferals once more.
While powershifting was prevalent in Classic, this was due to Cat and Bear being closely related. However, in retail the spec are supposed to stand alone. Bringing owl weaving is fundamentally bringing what feral players don’t want.
We dont want to cast or owlweave. Otherwise we would pick balance to start.
Please remove the talent.
Let Feral Have Its Own Identity.
Right. But the DPS gained from it isnt phenomenonal. #1 vs #10 for example. #1 used it, #10 obviously did not.
BUT the same could be true under another scenario: #1 and #10 both took the talent. #1 only got targeted by one mechanic, #10 got targeted three times and lost 10% uptime on the boss.
Its not like its an 8% dps gain thats the difference between 87% parses and 95%
Farming parses where you can cheese things, it could be the difference between #1 spot and #5 spot. Same sense, same could be true about someone with the talent vs someone without depending on mechanic targetting in the fight.
Like i could understand if this was a substantial amount, but its really not.
DoTC Guardians
Non Guardians using incap/stampeding roar
Non-bears using bear form defensively
Resto DPS’ing (think i read Resto got a nerfed version of the sorts? Or maybe im seeing things)
Ok this is hilarious now, which talent do you think we are talking about here?
Lycara’s meditation…
DoTC Guardians swapping between Cat/Bear or dropping and popping bear form for 25 rage before pulls
Resto swapping between kitty/owl (mastery boost before dumping heavy regrowths)
Balance getting Vers/crit buffs
Did you not know other specs besides Feral are able to shapeshift?
The talent that was released in 11.1 was used in those logs from 11.0.7?
Nah, hypothetical scenario. Numbers are just random, but based on actual events.
None of these specs actively want to shapeshift for throughput gains btw. This isn’t a feral only thing, it was already nerfed for resto for this exact reason.
I never said they did. But they are doing it regardless and benefitting from it. Its not much, and they’re not constantly shapeshifting for throughput (sounds a lot like Ferals situation), although a nice Mastery/Crit buff wouldnt hurt right before a juicy Convoke (seeing as convoke is best used at low AP for Balance anyway).
Ah so i did read that right. Makes sense. Of all the specs, resto is the one changing in and out the most and one to benefit the most from it. Should have stayed honestly.
Bump. Suggestion could be to change the talent to provide an additional amount of lycara stats based on the hero tree for each spec. Eg feral gains a small amount of haste and verse (as it shares hero tree with resto and guardian). Resto gains mastery and crit, so on. Maybe that is boring but at least it wouldn’t be abusable