I’m a bit late to the discussion, but I wanted to add my two cents.
I understand the intent behind these talents—to make form-swapping feel less punishing—but as it stands, it’s a damage increase to shift forms just to gain a buff. That doesn’t seem like an intended gameplay loop.
I could maybe see this working if it were tied to a cool tier set bonus, where form-swapping was an intentional mechanic for a specific patch. But in its current state, it just feels off.
As someone in the top percentile of players in the game it affects us way more than others, but as I stated if it felt like this was the intent then fine. I don’t think that it just should be brushed away because “you can just not do it”.
I know you think youre clever but this has already been covered:
as main Feral i agree, delete Lycara’s Meditation, if i choose Feral spec i should not be forced to play Balance for a few seconds if i wanna do the max dps
Not a jab at you, just a generalization: but if you’re not averaging 90+ on parses, theres a lot more you can do to “maximize damage” than trying to fit in some shapeshifting gimmick
If I didn’t want to play cat is 4 fite then I would play wotlk bearweave spec. Blizz shattered individuality of the specs in mop/legion and then decided “lol you know what would be funny, if they added moonfire to cat form” and then they were like “you know what’s even funnier? Making them PRESS MOONKIN FORM AND SUNFIRE HAHAHA”
please get rid of lycaras meditation. my brain already works hard enough as feral, plz dont turn my brain into mush
I can understand why people would be upset at being forced into doing this regularly but the % gained is small and will probably only impact those that can play perfectly already pulling everything out of their character.
For the rest, it is pretty fun and it is nice to have something else to do in those weird down times, or if you need to move away from the boss so being able to go into Moonkin form to get a small boost to help make up for the down time is very nice.
I think an alternative to needing to switch all the time for marginal gains would be to smooth out the DPS flow of feral and move away from long 2min burst windows etc
No one wants to Owlweave!
I feel like this is that Anakin and Padme meme.
Blizz: I’m going to change feral druid.
Ferals: Haha for the better right.
Please blizzinz, I tried the owlweave and I decided I don’t want to play wow anymore. It’s the only spec I enjoy and I’ve mained it since pre-patch of cataclysm. I’ve been here with the ups and the downs, and I even played when we had to haste stack in s1 of BFA. I don’t like it and I will probably unsub and stay unsubbed despite having all new content. All your other classes play like poo-poo too, I’m not going to “fit the meta” because of high level skill-capped .1% players telling you what this game should be.
Sunfire damage reduced by 40%.
Lycara’s Teachings’ Mastery bonus granted from being in Moonkin Form reduced by 66%.`
Grizzle in shambles pour one out for our obstinate homie
Bearweaving is a similar gain and similarly obtrusive. Needs the owlweaving treatment. Could also warrant some small amount of compensation tuning thanks blizz love u
Unfortunately, this is now the second band-aid fix to a talent interaction that causes stanceweaving to be significantly optimal… and now bearweaving is the third instance of stanceweaving being significantly optimal thanks to this same talent interaction.
Band-aid fixes covering specific instances of optimal stanceweaving as they come up are clearly not the solution at this point; Lycara’s Meditation is problematic design (albeit unintentionally) and should really just be removed or redesigned to not provide throughput.
They were like “someone said bearweave, remember how fun that was”
Ya we know, thanks for the input.
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Hey random person who doesnt do any better! Thanks for your input!
Why would i be in shambles. Im not a meta slave and am able to use my own critical thinking skills. I was never gonna bother with it in the first place.
Pretty sad youre so addicted and stuck to the meta hivemind you have to have Blizzard fix an “option” you never would have been able to optimize in the first place lol
True addiction.
Addiction hotline for folks that cant help themselves.
Youre welcome 
It’s okay bud maybe you’ll get aotc before the last month of the season this go around. Might even manage a blue parse if you manage to run your two brain cells together.
Some people have brain cells, and some people have gas. The world may never know.
Watch a guide or something if you wanna time a 10 this season. Or are you just subbed to spam the forum?
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Okay seriously though Bearweaving is already a similar gain to owlweaving with no essentially no APL changes please save us and delete Meditation.
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