Reposted from Savage on eu forums:
Ferals can currently use lycara’s meditation for at least 1.5% damage increase in single target by shapeshifting into moonkin form during downtime and sunfiring then switching back to get 12% finisher and periodic damage. Zero feral players want to do this and the point of the talent was also never too do this. Please just remove the talent its more problematic than its worth to keep it around.
agree and revert predator
Please blizzard save us from owlweaving I beg
lycara’s meditation-- extremely bad design and needs rework or delete
owlweaving is disruptive to feral druid gameplay and early sims are suggesting almost 20% moonkin form uptime, and this is purely because of meditation’s existence
the majority of ferals and druids as a whole aren’t interested in shapeshifting for dps gains, this has been shown to be true many times in the past and blizzard should know this because they’ve acknowledged it before.
PLEASE do something about this talent before raid release next reset
I thought we left the degeneracy of owlweaving behind in Shadowlands. Seeing it come back far stronger and far more intrusive is insulting (even if unintentional).
This talent was already changed on PTR in response to humanweaving degeneracy; it’s clearly been a problematic talent since inception.
Its a problem talent.
If they wanted a way to keep previous form bonuses they should have been utility thematics like bearform armor or catform speed, not raw stats.
At the very least when they saw the skullbash and human weaving they should have made the form time requirment longer and universal, so its more of a buff for off-rolling in heart, or to make up damage when you have to turtle in bear for awhile, not a damage buff so everyone form cycling for tiny but noticeable gains.
Its not a problem.
Its an option you dont have to take.
Too much trouble for too small of a gain. And im not pushing .1% content that that 3% overall gain would be worthwhile
Dont make me do this, Blizz. I had enough in Shadowlands.
You forgot to make an argument on why its fine btw
Because its optional, you dont have to take it.
As an option, its there for people who are willing/wanting to put in the extra work for minimal gains
Same argument of Lions Strength vs Bloodtalons
Quite frankly, 1.5-2% dps is way too relevant for too many people to just ignore and pretend everything is okay because you can simply ‘not take the talents.’ Blizzard can simply fix the issue. It is like if the spec is 30% weaker than everything and people claim it is fine because they can just choose to play a different spec
All 100 Ferals who may be in HoF range where 50k dps may be the limiting factor??
This may come as a surprise to you, but guilds of all world ranks and all difficulties wipe bosses at sub 2% hp
Do they not have the right to optimize their damage simply because they aren’t clearing the raid in a month?
Yes. But not often enough to make the 3 ferals in those ranges be the limiting factor when it could have been any of the other 19 people inputting an extra .1%
And that 2% would assume perfect play with owlweaving. May come as a surprise to you, but perfect play is rarely ever done in progression kills.
They do have the right. All they have to do is take the talent and utilize it properly if they want to. But theres many more factors to make up the 1.5-2% damage from a single player than to put all that on a single player.
Blizz, PLEASE save us from this
I mean, im more than happy to see the logs of mythic raid wipes at sub 2% where everyone was playing at 99.9% of their potential except for the Feral who was playing at 98% potential and that it was entirely the Ferals performance that caused a sub 2% wipe
Edit: since its so relevant to sooo many people, there should be plenty of examples to pull from
LOL bro you are so out of touch it isnt even funny. You can’t just say 1 feral in a group for the sake of reducing the number down first of all. Your argument clearly would apply to any spec in the game. And secondly, obviously perfect play is never done on progression kills! Thats why you got to maximize your chances of killing the boss in the first place. Isn’t that the obvious conclusion? Do you understand how much harder a boss is if you’re doing 2% less damage? Why do you think Neru’bar Finery existed? Its to make the bosses easier.
You are essentially saying that people should accept the potential of wasting peoples time if they dont want to play a talent that they (and literally the entire spec community) abhors. How can anyone look at feral pressing moonkin form and then going directly back into cat form without even pushing any moonkin buttons as something that is remotely okay?
“Theres many more factors to make up the 1.5-2% damage from a single player than to put all that on a single player”
2 things, 1 have you heard of a team? Turns out individuals in teams playing better benefits the entire team. That goes for every member not just this poor feral who blizzard decided needs to enter moonkin form for fun. 2. It is ONE of the things is it not? Why are you going to be selectively against this one improvement simply because there are others. That’s just dumb. If you were in a scheduled raid with a member who wore level 18 rings because it has a cool name, are you okay with that because that dps is only a portion of the dps being lost in the raid? Not trying is failing. Don’t fail one thing on purpose just because you are making mistakes in other places.
I can absolutely guarantee you that losing 2% damage for fun is going to make fights all that much harder, your mistakes are not as easily corrected-- and you are going to want to fix them either way! You dont only have to improve the raid strategy or movement, or any of the other factors you allude to, you want to try to improve as much as you can, otherwise its quite frankly just a waste of 19+ (in mythic raid, more or less depending on content) peoples times.
Whats the opposite of elitist? That is essentially your argument. “One should be okay with purposefully doing less damage, because others are losing damage either purposefully or accidentally.” Baffling. Only remotely makes sense in environments where the expectation isn’t to perform your best. How much of the raiding population do you truly think that is?
its still a net positive on a talent that is relatively niche. why does it even exist?
I remember last time owlweaving was a thing and it was terrible please fix blizzard
I’m semi-casual (aotc-ish guild) and the possibility of owlweaving is bad.
Re: just not taking it… If nothing else, the people who do decide to owlweave could skew dps numbers for feral higher, we could miss out on a balancing buff because of it, and class balance would then be off for those of us who don’t owlweave. A bizarre mechanic like that shouldn’t separate mythic vs heroic players.