we have lots of homes… our main problem is they are unaffordable if you arent some rich snob from toronto. i live and hour away and they are building houses/condo buildings like crazy and avge rent for a 1 bedroom is 1200-1500 a month nad that doesnt even include hydro water or anything else… its madness
You can use an adblocker on wowhead. You cannot block the ads in game from Overwolf during down time. If you shut down the overlay it then gives you a warning about having it kept turned off.
DBM and Weakauras area already available elsewhere, that’s not the problem. Many big addons have other sources, its your smaller addons that will give you fits.
Or for DBM apparently.
Man, I feel bad for you guys my brother doesn’t even pay that kind of money and he lives 20 minutes from orlando.
That’s a bit of a scumbag move.
I wonder if we can bypass this somehow?
I know, but I’m saying if they pull out of Curseforge in protest things could change.
Otherwise Overwolf has all the power.
Why would they pull out of extra income, and overwolf promising even more.
Most companies do for much less. Literally all software I’m installing at my job now comes with some sort of plugin marketplace that my security guys keep going insane over and asking me to block off.
It’s high time Blizzard joined the modern world. Add-ons are a major part of their game, and having a 3rd party create a toxic environment around their management is more trouble than keeping up an extra micro service the WoW client can query.
It’s for the lot not the house, bud.
You realise this entire thread is about Overwolf threatening Wowup.io right ?
I don’t know if I trust them honestly. Third parties hosting them means that they aren’t regulated by blizzard, blizzard regulating them may mean they decide arbitrarily what they want on the store and what they don’t.
WoWup is what Overwolf is in the process of shutting down.
A service you are in no way obligated to use or continue using upsets you.
Guess what the solution is? Vote with your wallet (so-to-speak) and stop using it, or don’t use it if you haven’t.
Also you mentioned “API that they didn’t even develop”
But they bought the rights to it, correct? They can do anything they want include just throw it in the trash if they want.
Nothing they are doing is illegal. Freakin windows 10 is malware, millions of people still use that.
awh man that is not good to hear, i hope things get resolved because i enjoyed the great management twitch provided.
thanks for the response
Blizzard has the ultimate keys to the castle with their own publicly exposed APIs. If they want an add-on shut down, it’s shutdown.
Blizzard already regulates add-ons dude. That boat sailed day 1.
I install them manually. Exactly how many addons do you need to have to warrant a manager?
Takes me a few minutes
Yea, but what if they decide they want DBM on the store and not bigwigs, or some crap like that, I wouldn’t put it past them.
Sorry I admit I didn’t read the earlier posts.
From what I gather, Overwolf is a scumbag company that has been accused of installing malicious software on PCs and they also plan on introducing in game advertisements for the pleasure of using their product?
Just trying to catch up.
I have over 60, mostly visual to give me info the base ui doesn’t