Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

I see you don’t actually understand Overwolf and their business model.

Everyone just needs to chill. It’s just going to be an addon manager app with ads. Big deal.

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But then you get into legalities, you’re talking about getting information that the company is working to protect. No legit addon manager is going to do that.

Just face it, this is on the addon creators themselves to fight against.

You don’t seem to know open source my dude :man_shrugging:

Reverse engineering protocols and making things work is a staple of the community.

No, Blizzard can step in and flex their add-on ToS. It has provisions against this sort of predatory hostage taking.

The if the program isn’t open source you can’t just go tear it apart and make your own

And what? Blizzard would be so heavy handed they wouldn’t allow advertising at all and we’d end up with NO addon sites.

No, but you can reverse engineer how its doing its requests and implement your own.

Wouldn’t be the first time.

Locking a public facing API is fighting a losing war. It’s public facing for a reason. This is akin to a Website saying “You can’t use Chrome to access our website!” and trying to break standard browsers and tools like curl from working. People will figure it out and run around it.

Good. That way Blizzard can do what they should have done years ago : make their own add-on marketplace. It’s what all the cool kids do.

What other addon manager puts ads in the game? because thats what this seems to do.

You need to look up the definition of cancer.

I hate this kind of sensationalism.

You act like you are being forced at gunpoint to use these services. I bet you hate capitalism too, despite almost certainly being a rabid consoomer. I bet you act like other companies hold you at gunpoint to use their services when really you don’t have to and never did have to use them to begin with.

Download and install addons manually. It really isn’t that hard.

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DBM guy showed that they weren’t getting paid by Curse/Twitch. He had to crowdfund money elsewhere. Which crowdfunding is better, because there’s no middle man.

I don’t think they’d want to invest the money needed to not only get that started, but to maintain it.

But twitch does pay, they just don’t pay cash, they pay in “points” which you can then use to get gift cards and such.

If all the addon developers rise up and move their addons to another site, I’ll continue to use and support WoWUP.io or another app, but if they stick with CurseForge I’m going to have to use the CurseForge App.

That’s not the issue,because peoole can do that. The thread is trying to inform people of how Overwolf is with ads and collecting information. Plus trying to shut down or bully anyone that uses the API that they didn’t even develop.

Well if DBM guy did get that, he didn’t disclose it and it definitely wasn’t enough to keep the app afloat without community support.

You been to wowhead recently without adblock? It’sjust as bad. Worst even.

If any of the big add-on developers pull out of using curseforge over this then we might see them back down on blocking other add-on managers.

That would require DBM, Recount, Weakauras or other similarly popular add-ons to back out.
I do agree though that trying to have absolute control over how freely developed add-ons are distributed is a scummy move by Overwolf.
They are burning bridges before they even finished building any.

I mean, amazon gift cards don’t pay the mortgage. Or for your teeth to get fixed.

Try WoWUp.

I switched when I recently resubbed and it’s been working fine for me. Not many features, but you can auto update, search for, and manage addons pretty simply.

Overwolf intends to block things like that from working when they take over.
That’s why some people are upset.