Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

It doesn’t upset me. I will just manually update if it comes to that, but it’s good to be informed. Information is not upsetting. It is enlightening though.

They did buy it, but under Blizz’s agreement are not allowed to charge for it.

Ads are how they are trying to get around that, and selling everyone’s information. Again this thread isn’t about there not being a solution.

It is only for information.


Two things:

1- Blizzard doesn’t care about that and wouldn’t do that.
2- Even if they did, you could install bigwigs manually.

If Blizzard doesn’t want Bigwigs to work and want to push DBM, they’ll break the API in a way that breaks Bigwigs. They’ve done it a massive amount of times already. A 3rd party distribution stranglehold doesn’t change that.

In fact, it’s pretty strange you’re more distrustful of Blizzard than you are of a company with proven scummy practices with user data selling and overlays that play ads during your gameplay.

Blizzard has done more distrustful things to me personally than overwolf /shrug.

I’ve never used overwolf so I have no personal opinion of them, Blizzard has been caught out in flat out lies more than once.

Yeah I vaguely remember the name Overwolf and I don’t remember anything good about it.

If the twitch app stops allowing me to use the addons for WoW than fine I can do without addons. I only use Twitch because

  1. I am paying a subscription for Twitch.
  2. I trust their app over a company I can’t even remember.

Hell maybe they’re good but I am not about to be the first wave of people to try out getting addons through them.

Many of their previous clients had overlays packaged in that you couldn’t really turn off without crippling the client’s functionality, that played ads in game (there’s a clip in the thread of what it looks like in Hearthstone for instance).

They also collect player metrics (what games are played, how much time, what modes, etc…) and sell that off to 3rd parties.

LOL. You can’t be serious dude. Overwolf’s scummy practices are well documented.

I have never been stabbed, but I have a personal opinion that says it would be bad for me.

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I see the concern now. And WoWUp is getting the axe from them for trying to provide an ad-free, user friendly, non data stealing alternative.

I can see the animosity now. Yeah Overwolf can go suck an egg.

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Everyone has scummy practices well documented, people still use them.

Wowhead had ads installing malicious software, people still use them. Cursforge had addons with viruses at one point, people still use it.

At the end of the day, unless something big happens with addon authors all moving somewhere else, I don’t see an alternative to using the new Cursforge downloader if the shut out the API. And I’ll be using it with a vast majority of people.

I never said they would, I said the only way to get Overwolf to walk back their idea of stopping other add-on managers would be IF they pulled out.
A few angry forum posts aren’t going to change their policy, only a potential big hit to their revenue would.

Holy moly. Yep I be terribad. I usually run about 5. DBM, recount, TomTom, Leatrix, rarescanner

Dude, there are levels of scummy. Overlays and in game ads is way beyond the pale.

Stop defending this crap.

Wowhead didn’t stop you from using an ad blocker, and they didn’t select the ads themselves, they, like everyone, used a 3rd party ad network. I never got one of their “malicious” ads because my browser isn’t a vulnerable piece of crap that has remote code execution and local privilege escalation vulnerabilities.

Overwolf don’t use a 3rd party, they are the ones pushing the ads, on your PC, through their own installed software.

This isn’t about ads on the Curseforge website my dude.


Yish dude, you are indeed terribad.

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Just because everyone is being shady doesn’t mean we should sit down and accept it as the way of the world.


That sounds incredibly obnoxious and reinforces my “I ain’t installing that”.

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I’m not defending it, I’m just saying there isn’t much of a choice.

Either you install your addons manually again, or you use the downloader.

Personally, I’m lazy so I’ll just use the downloader.

I wonder if Blizz takes into account the number of addons people are using to manage the game

A lot of mine are things like worldquest list and worldquest tracker, because the blizzard ui is horrible at showing things like that.

Guess I could play without mods. That will be interesting and probably make the game more fun and engaging. /moo :cow:

Most of mine are stuff like unit frame addons.

I can probably cut 15 or so off.

First Versath it doesn’t exist yet, second they have stated very clearly that it will not put ads in the game.