Clearly Blizzard needs to step in.
Oh I agree it can be annoying but I’d rather deal with some annoyance over a 3rd party application made by a shady company
Nothing is that black and white, nor does that kill the add-on community. Because not everyone is using Wowup, genius. Many use the website.
Clearly you don’t understand how things work. So I’m just going to stop. This is getting sad. lol
And do what? As long as they provide access to your addons without a physical, monetary paywall, and leave restrictions to things like “update all”, there’s nothing they can do.
They’re basically proposing the old curse downloader which had ads, but more intrusive, they’re not going to stop you from accessing them.
I hate 'em but we just had a bunch of people rioting and burning stuff. Someone forward Overwolf’s address to them.
wait… is twitch no longer supporting mod management?
can someone give me a tl:dr as im actually busy today doing normal human things
That’s not the issue though. The issue is they’re attempting to lock out anyone who makes a Python script at home from managing their own add-ons.
They’re ceasing support for it in their client in November when Overwolf ships their own Curse client now that Overwolf owns Curse.
Overwolf bought curse about 6 months ago. They’re the company known for installing Overlays that plays ads in games, and collecting user gaming data to sell to 3rd parties.
I don’t usually have too big a problem. When it’s out of date I get yelled at by it, but I get REALLY irritated by people running alpha versions triggering the update early.
Usually once a patch is established it doesn’t need updating as frequently.
I installed Overwolf yesterday. It didn’t install any malware on my computer.
Imagine installing an addon any other way than just manually extracting the file to the addons folder.
It’s their database and their own site, not much can be done there. They are within their rights to shut down the API.
As long as the keep bumping along that border of forced paid addons, there’s nothing blizz can do.
And this sums up what I have a problem with.
I don’t want a friggin overlay.
And I don’t want even more of my data sold. Especially since it’d be collecting data on stuff NOT related to WoW.
Overwolf just wants wants people to see ads when they go to hit that update all button.
A public website is public.
They know they can’t, if they did, their own client would also stop working, which is why they are using threats and C&Ds.
They’re just going to ban software that isn’t their own from accessing the API.
This is what you’re defending :
This has already been discussed to death, they can pull all keys and have a changing API access key that only the program knows the algorithm to.
Then don’t use an overlay? They aren’t forcing you to use an overlay.
All of our data is collected and sold by Microsoft, Google and Amzon, etc. One more company doing the same thing isn’t going to change anything.
If they distribute the program, the key will be ripped out. OAUTH2 is not really all that secure if you just distribute the token everywhere, even if you manage to make a RSA like “temp key” algorithm, it’ll be broken and figured out in a matter of minutes.