Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

It probably stems from people’s programs telling them that it is a risk. That doesn’t mean it is. It certainly doesn’t have an official security risk warning on most sites.

The real problem for a lot of people is the data collection and the ads during downtime in games.

No, it doesn’t give you coords by default (don’t know if a script could be made) but you can share it with people

So when someone asks in chat “Where’s such and such” I can just link a map pin

I used to update mine before I logged in each day :slight_smile:

Sit down, open twitch, open elvui updater and check for updates.

You could miss new features :open_mouth:

still easier to just write tomtom coords which blizz should have but prolly wont implement themselves

Yeah but not everyone has tomtom, everyone does have wow though :rofl: (at least the people asking in chat :smiley: ) You’ve never run into someone in chat that said “I don’t have coords”? I’ve had to do the ol “You see that house icon below the M in mulgore? It’s just south of that” explanation a few times

And that’s the crux of our disagreement, isn’t it? To you personally, it isn’t. And you forgo stuff like new features and minor bug fixes that addons authors work on to get to that point for yourself. To myself, and clearly many many other people, it is a chore, and asking us to give up what we already have, to go to a more tedious (by your own admission) reduced functionality process is not an option. Sorry, it just isn’t.

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not having tomtom is like not having dbm/bigwigs for raiding

I agree, I won’t play without it.

Download the addons while you can, make a new site to host them on; and then ignore Overwolf. Oh and don’t sell out when they come calling under a new name and offer you some ‘awesome chances to grow your product’.

Did no one learn anything from the early Internet and Gator/Claria’s crappy Spy/Adware Apps?

Well you do realize that’s your choice, right?

That’s not being forced to update all the time, that’s just you chosing to update all the time.

That will be like before i do anything on my computer, i open windows update to see if theirs any update and update immediately if there is one. I’m just doing that out of my choice.

I mean you do do, but i just think it’s personally unnecessary unless i really need to.

Well typically, new features come out whenever theirs a new expansion/patch, or when the addon moved on to another major version.

I can say the same thing to your saying “it’s a chore”. To you personally, it is.

If were talking about new features, that honestly depends if i wanted them enough to choose to update or not.

As for minor bug fixes, that depends again.

Nobody is asking you to give anything up.

It’s really not that tedious, i mean, lets be honest here.

I honestly don’t understand how not having your mod manager reduces or stifles your ability to manual download. Yeah, it sucks, but the consequences aren’t that bad since you have all the tools you needed at your disposal to ensure manual updating goes smooth as possible if the mod managers isn’t available. :confused:

Like if you need to quickly check the dates? turn on Details on the folder and compare the dates on the addons there and the addons on the website.

Need to move like 60 addons and extract all of them in one go? Select all of them by dragging your mouse cursor, drag them over, hit extract here. You can select multiple things in Windows via mouse clicks.

Need quick keyboard shortcuts? Ctrl C for Copy, Ctrl X for Cut, Ctrl V for Paste. Ctrl for undo. Alt+Tab for quickly switching windows.

Lost the files? Use the search function on the folder. Or redownload.

Except they’re trying to stop them from using the CF api

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I never said anything about force

Glad we aren’t two ogre heads on the same body then :slight_smile:

Well I don’t know what addons typically do since there’s tens of thousands, I only know what the ones I use do.


QUITE tedious to go through every addon looking for updates manually. Maybe not if you only use 2 addons


It doesn’t? I didn’t say it did? Ability != something I wish to do. Also techsplaining at me when I already told you my job is IT isn’t doing you any favours at all.

Yo, is that your actual addons and you made that beautiful animated gif?

Yep, thems all mah babies :tearyEyed:

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claps hands together happy My my, what a fantastic example. You got the tech chops to create an animated gif of all your babies, but find updating them all manually to be a massive chore. I don’t think my point could be better encapsulated at all even if I tried.

thats not even apples and oranges, most like apples and coconuts

Ahh, well goody. :slight_smile:

You don’t have to go though every addon. You can go for the more important ones first and do the rest later, or never if they work perfectly fine for you.

As for the gif, i might have to take a look at that in Photoshop. (Because you scrolled way to fast in that GIF for me to stop and read all the addons and count them.)


That’s honestly fine, i actually did forget that fact. But i think this is something that should be taught to people who aren’t as versed in updating the addons as we are, in the event something goes wrong… like a company restricting a mod manager’s access to their site.

Cocunuts? Man, I haven’t had a coconut in forever.

That gif is kind of deceptive because some addons modules are in their own folder like BigWigs_Cataclysm and RSA_Warrior. This is my addons in game with their modules collapsed and scrolled slower :slight_smile:

There’s 3 or 4 I wrote myself and won’t show up on twitch and a couple from Wowinterface that also won’t show up

When possible I try to assimilate addons into one of my personal addons to reduce the total that’s there. Like the addon EasyDelete is just like 2 lines of code so I copypasta’d that into mine and I ripped out CloudyTradeskills code to resize your profession window and put it in mine.

Stupid decisions like the company is doing have a way of inducing karmic backlash. Overwolf wouldn’t be the first gaming company that did something moronic in greed, to face massive gamer backlash and then die as a result. It also won’t be the last. A better system will arise from it’s ashes.