Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

And for that i just feel bad that you have to, it’s not something I would wish on my worst enemy.

With how advanced some on the spot decisions need to be in BfA Mythic raids, you basically have no choice but to use Weak auras to create these dynamic assignments on the fly.

Worse, I pug as a healer. Bursting weeks are awesome.

I truly hate my life.

I’d rather die than go from this


to this


I’m not going to hover over every single WQ every single day on every single character, no. I just wouldn’t do the content at all


Rip sir, you’re setting yourself up for an early grave.

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That’s what i mean, WHY did they set it up like that?

More of the same in SL :slight_smile:

Maybe there was something in the past that they designed well but players still used addons to change it so now they just provide a base for players to modify :man_shrugging: I don’t know, only guessing. It would be cool if they at least showed what the WQs rewarded at the zone level. They wouldn’t even need to add anything new, just make the icon the same as the reward icon that shows up in the tooltip when you hover over it.

TBF every damn part of their ui is redesigned and redesigned over and over via addon, to them it’s like no one likes their ui lol.

Except that as others have already noted in this thread Overwolf is not a company subject to the laws of the United States.

What is needed I would think would be a github repo that all of the addons could be added to that is not linked back to curseforge. Then any and all third party managers will work and Overwolf is left hung out to dry.

It’s something that they’ve been caught doing though, which is why it’s a legit concern.

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Hey see, you do get it! Just updating 66 addons all the time manually is enough for many of us to pick up that controller as you so put it. Like dude, thats a lot of mind numbing work.

Well sure, and all that you mentioned you had to do was relevant back then.

But this addon thing isn’t the first cars now is it? So none of those downfalls apply anymore. They aren’t acceptable in modern cars. This ain’t 2005 anymore. We’ve moved past this and improved QoL drastically.

I liked the part where you left off the time consuming process of constantly checking the version status of over 60 addons all the time, to see if there was an update or not. That way you make the process sound less like the chore that it is.

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I have yet to find information to prove this. I’ve seen the false positive posts and I know about the data collection so unless users are using malware to mean data collection I don’t know what they are talking about.

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Data collection is malware b/c it slows performance and sells your information without consent.

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It at least has a tomtom-like world tracker thing that works really well.

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just an arrow last i check, still not coords

Pretty sure you agreed to it in the eula/tos, and your physical agreement is worth more than your verbal one. That said, it does slow down your computer and should be discouraged.

All the time…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You only need to update them if it’s the next patch/expansion, or if they have major bugs in them. Or in rare cases like DBM where you are raiding and such where it needs to update, and even then, it’s not “all the time” constantly.

Most addons still work even if you don’t update them for the patch/expansion. That worse you will get is warnings about your addons being outdated and such. And many of the addons are outdated, but still work decently enough. Like Farmit. And if the addon i have is outdated and buggy, i find another one that is better.

To be fair, you can apply this to modding in general.

It doesn’t really take that long.

If you have a number that is lower then what the site has, then download.

If your addons date older then what the site has, then download.

Because it’s not a chore.
This sounds like one of those phrases you hear against PC gaming in those Console Vs PC debates… "oh you need to constantly upgrade, constantly update, constantly need tutorials on how you fix games, constantly need to download drivers… " and so on, all the while saying Consoles are simple to boot up, simple to pop a disc and be playing, how you don’t need upgrading… etc etc… You get the idea.

The whole, “by using this product you agree to give us your soul and firstborn” part of EULAs needs to be regulated tbh.


Or you could use WowUP and forget about all of this :slight_smile:

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I’m pretty sure it was not in their terms of agreement, hence why it is an issue. But twitch to my knowledge does not install spyware on your computer.