Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

i did hear about that one and uninstalled Adblock Plus.

I also have PrivacyBadger and Ublock Origin. Have you heard anything about those two ad/tracker blockers?

did they change the name, or is it still adblock plus and not pro?

ublock all the way.

uBlock Origin is legit.


Twitch is extremely good, I never used that Overwolf thingy.

twitch is done with mods in less than a month, or around a month, dont’ remember the exact date.

Well crap, time to go back to installing them like good old days then

Not crazy, but accurate

Dang it twitch… why did you have to sell?

God i hope so. ive got a good bit of addons… that’d take a while to manually do all of em.

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It’s all about the Bling Bling ya know.

Because it wasn’t making them any money.

Likely the same reason wago sold.

didn’t wago get bought by method

I can understand if you don’t want to do the manual work and how slow and tedious that may be. I mean i have like 40 addons right now, so how do you imagine right now since Pre-Patch (Not Shadowlands launch, Pre-patch) is virtually around the corner? But if i want to contiune using those addons, i have to well do it.

But what i was trying to say here is while convenience is a great thing for sure, amazing even, you can’t possibly rely on convenience always because their will come a point and time where something will go wrong along the way while your getting your next update via mod manager, or something like this where Overwolf restricts on that and have to do stuff by hand or manually sometimes.

I’m not excusing Overwolf here, Overwolf restricting things like that, are like i said, Anti-gamer.

Also more pertaining to the Twitch app that download updates for mods, are they still charging you for that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ughhh how difficult is it to manually install addons? Im worried for bartender 4

No, no charge for anything on Twitch app.

BT4 barely ever gets updated, you should be fine.

Try having anywhere from 20-40 add-ons and then rethink your statement.

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I looked through the Overwolf privacy policy and it allows ads in addons unless you buy a paid subscription. That could get VERY annoying if addons display ads.

From Overwolf’s privacy policy:

Advertising service providers

The Overwolf platform supports the display of ads within the Services and Third-Party apps. This helps Third Party App Developers make a living off their creations, and continuously maintain high quality products that are free of charge. It is up to the developer of the app to decide whether to include ads within the app or not. App developers must comply with Overwolf’s strict guidelines to ensure that ads never interfere with the gaming experience.

The Overwolf platform also supports opting out of in-app ads, by providing app developers the option to integrate a paid subscription plan for their app. It is up to the developer of the app to decide whether to include a subscription plan for the app or not.

Honestly twitch was amazing for addon management. I only ever had the app open to check for updates and then closed it for weeks.

Was really handy. RIP

i mean, you can’t have ads IN wow addons. They would purely be on the download platform and overlay if they go that route