Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

The armory doesn’t have io scores.

And trying to build a sort of raider.io mesh would be a nightmare. Last time we had such a mesh network of add-on communications was oQueue, and Blizzard admitted it was causing server side stress.

Offline download is the best. The client gets all the data in one easy to download file.

Even more reason to not use that o e.

I dont pug though either so I don’t need it.

Plenty of good reasons to use the IO add-on, it gives a quick glimpse at a player’s experience, it’s very useful.

Naaah. you even lost me on that one :wink:

WoWUp and all other alternative clients are fully open source. You can read through WowUp’s source code yourself and see exactly what the program is doing. If you don’t trust the version they have up for download on their site, just build the program from code yourself.

Overwolf wouldn’t open source their client in a billion years. There’s no way to know all the crap it’s capable of doing.


I mean, enjoy tabbing out to type out player names in a browser :man_shrugging:

I get it all with a mouseover.

Has zero use for those of us who don’t pug, wouldn’t use it regardless though, can’t be bothered to update it every day.

Have no need to, I don’t pug. No pugs mean I don’t need to see experience.

I’d legit prefer not doing keys than pug one.

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Burn-in hasn’t been a thing a thing for a very long time.

Fine, don’t use it.

Tell that to the monitor I just replaced.

Had burn in from the Discord overlay.

The only reason they don’t allow in game tracking of keys like they really should is because some small % of people might try to game it.

You’re literally supporting daily downloads because a few people would try to edit their scores.

Okay, so don’t buy an AMOLED screen.

Yes. Because since Blizzard doesn’t allow add-ons to query the Internet, that’s the 2nd best way. The add-on is pretty small too, so it’s no biggie.

If users can edit their own information and “Cheat”, the add-on becomes useless.

To be fair, I’ve had a couple IPS panel monitors that started burning in a bit after they got old. It’s not exclusively an OLED problem.

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How long was it sitting there O.o i have never had burn in on any monitor.

Literally just threw out a 2K Dell IPS monitor because of massive burn in.

twitch shoulda kept it

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Couldn’t tell ya if it was one or not. Wasn’t even 4 years old.

0 proof of “malware”