Overwolf is a cancer we cannot allow in Wow

All my unitframe stuff is handled by Elvui thankfully.

Yes. I do know that.

If it requires the main Overwolf app like folks are saying it will, THAT will be the one with all the ads being pushed.

no thanks. Don’t want an overlay. Crap causes monitor burn in anyway.

I couldn’t stand how ElvUI looked.

I prefer Grid for my unit frames, too.

I find it funny when people say that considering you can make elv look however you want lol, but to each their own, i don’t judge.

It’s funny how often ad-drive companies turn morally bankrupt, turning to the most profitable ad networks regardless of how dangerous they are. Wowhead did it for years and even used the mal-ads as leverage to strong-arm people into paying for Wowhead.

It’s ridiculous. I’m sick of ads. And yes, I’d be perfectly willing to pay a small sub fee if it meant not only no ads for me, but also no malware-ridden ads for others either. Let ME subsidize the free users instead of crap ads.

I never liked curseforge anyway. I install my addons the old fashioned way, direct download until they break and repeat the process.

I tried to get used to ELvui, but something about it is very distracting and hurts my eyes.

Like in everything, people are coming to the forums to get heard by Blizzard, and you’re actively trying to suppress their voice. Stop fighting against people trying to get this taken care of.

Those aren’t the only 2 options and if you stopped playing Devil’s advocate for 3 seconds, you’d realise it. Stop being part of the problem.

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Those are the only two options, blizzard isn’t going to act on it, not before it even comes out.

People complained about it when poe overlay went over, but poe overlay doesn’t have any ingame ads.

Enjoy having a bunch of bugs and bad information in your add-ons, because they didn’t “Break” yet.

Raider.io’s add-on requires daily updates to have proper information.

You say that everytime, and then we get a blue post saying otherwise. Are you tired yet of getting stabbed by Blizzard each time you take a position ?

What are you even on about?

That’s because the raider.io addon is horrible honestly. There’s much better ways they could do that.

Weren’t you just this week saying that “Covenant abilities outside of the Shadowlands is fine, they won’t change it” only for 3 hours later, having Ion just stab you and walk over your corpse as he says “Ok, we’ll revert it due to forum feedback ?”.

If you weren’t, might want to sit down and take some notes there buddy :rofl:

Add-ons cannot pull from the Internet. They have no choice to do an offline transfer of the database.

No, i never said that, i said “doesn’t really bother me, i don’t do old content, but it’s weird they would limit it”

addon’s can talk to each other, record what you do, AND pull from the armory.

There is zero need to do it the way they do, they’re just worried about the minor amount of people that might try to tamper with it.

An overlay type of deal comes to mind. Press a hotkey, search field pops up on top of game, type in player name, get floating rio mini-card for player. No addon updates required because this is all its own separate app.

I couldn’t get it to look better than Shadowed Unit Frames.

And it’s raid frames bother me. I’m used to Grid. Been using that one since Wrath. Did an Elv stint in MoP. Couldn’t get over the look of it.

I find it weird that everyone thinks Overwolf is being shady when WowUp is using curseforge, a site they don’t maintain, and their program isn’t even verified.

Their website doesn’t even tell you who makes wowUp or what their privacy practices are.