Overwolf for addons?

It’s not just that.

Curseforge has the best addon related features in the market. Sure they could upload their addons elsewhere but no where else has as good tools specifically written for addons in mind.

You could do it on github but it would be a lot of work to put the structure in place with very little benefit.

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More than that :wink:


wowup is very lightweight, simple to use and effective.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that Overwolf is trying to strong arm ALL addon managers by controlling the Curse API.

WoWUP might not work much longer either.

Thanks for the info. Do you also have any input on these claims saying OW injecting viruses or malwares into user computers? So far all these claims seem to be groundless. Wrenchester in this thread, “Risking your end user to viruses” but later said there is no direct evidence(like a link post or news post).

Edit: I found some instances where the add pop up. But that’s not from overwolf but 3rd party software on OW platform. So this would mean curseforge decide to injecting adds but I can’t see this happen. Plus there is no benefit of keeping curseforge running during game so I never do that.

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The 2 apps are actually inseparable. If you install CurseForge, it installs Overwolf and if you uninstall Overwolf, it uninstalls CurseForge.

Frankly I’ll believe it when I see it.

I have been doing daily scans with Malware Bytes. Regularly scans with Eset anti-virus. I’ve let Overwolf up while playing other games as well as running around IF in World of Warcraft. I’ve even scanned with Overwolf , Curseforge and World of Warcraft up. I have used Process Explorer to dig into the processes it launches , the DLLs it uses as well as the files it has open. I have dug into the files it saves and opened as many interesting files in appropriate viewers that I could find.

And I found not a single thing to be concerned about. Sure there’s a lot of logs and telemetry data but no evidence is personal data being recorded or keystrokes being recorded or anything untoward going on. There’s a fair bit of analytical type data but that’s fairly standard for a game launcher. In fact your batttle.net launcher gathers telemetry analytics data as well as the Steam client and Epic games launcher. I couldn’t find any evidence of it gathering a single thing.

If someone has hard proof of the version of Overwolf installed with the Curseforge beta stealing personal data feel free to share it. And by hard proof I mean file names , data saved , Wireshark dumps , IP addresses of where data is sent , ports used , what tool you used to get the proof , how you got the proof.

Because then I can get it through to Blizzard’s Tech Support team so they can then contact the anti-malware software makers.


Just to correct your misunderstanding. What he meant was you can dowload addons from curseforge website like you would do from github.

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Oh, I misread lol.

Overwolf is installed as the Curseforge is merely an app that sits on top of the Overwolf framework. Think of the CF beta client as an addon that needs Overwolf to run.

In saying that I think you misread Caelin there. They are saying you can still manually download your addon updates from the website as usual.


Thanks for clarifying this. All those claims does seems scary but I noticed most of them are “someone heard from somewhere” and I can’t find the source. It’s really important for me to know as it may be different from twitch, my personal security is not at apparent risk.

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It might be further reassuring to know that Overwolf are getting an independent security analysis firm in to do an audit.

There was a major minecraft mod framework team that had a meeting with them about hosting their framework on Curseforge and Overwolf agreed to do that.


Overwolf’s addon projects for LoL had a number of problematic ads, including some that were malicious and others that played over the actual game using the overwolf overlay.

This is a bad company that fully intends to buy a monopoly of the addons and use it to profit off selling ads to eyeballs that they demographic target with their client installed on your PC monitoring what you applications you run. On other games they also try to bribe you into watching ads in exchange for digital currency.

It’s a scummy business and charging to remove ads from either your addon manager or the overlay they push over your game is pretty gross and seems pretty clearly against Blizzards policy of profiteering on addons (enforceable or not). that the overlay doesn’t currently do this for WoW doesn’t mean anything. You think they want to scare their customer base away in the first week?

If you want to find out more about Overwolf’s “business model” just bounce on over to their official subreddit.

It’s bad enough that we have the DBM guy encouraging people to use a platform that puts ads on everyone’s computer, now we have forum MVP’s doing it too?

By CursedForge I am talking about their web site, that isn’t going away. You will be able to manually download your addon’s from their web page even after Overwolf takes over.


See posts like this doesn’t really concern me and it create mis-understandings. From what I learnt tonight OW gave freedom to developers to incorprate adds in their programs. It’s different than OW themselves forcing adds or baiting yout to click on something during the game.

This would be equivalent to curseforge developers decided to start pushing adds from the client. I don’t really see this happening at least for now. So as this sounds scary/bad it is, it sounds more of an issue that the adds policy of OW needs to be better implemented and checked before it’s allowed. And the client developers had a poor product put on OW platform.

This made me think that OW is installing backend softwares on my computer earlier. But it’s really not. And it’s two different things. So if I only use curseforge then this issue doesn’t really apply.

And the curseforge web site has adds.
None of the doomsayers seems worried about that


Well they should be using an ad blocker, most of us did years ago :slight_smile:

If that’s true, then Blizzard will issue them a cease and desist letter, which has happened many times to various mods that charged to download the mod.

Actually it’s not. I’ve been using the CurseForge app since the open Alpha started and it’s much much better than the Twitch app.


You will also be able to subscribe to the ad free version for $2.99 per month and 70% of that goes to addon authors.