Overwolf for addons?

Twitch app seems to be stopping support the addon functions in december. They are moving to something called overwolf. If you download the curseforge it also forces you to download overwolf. I’m not digging this idea and what do you guys think?

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Overwolf has been caught doing shady activities. As of right now there are other addon managers. WoWUP is one, cursebreaker, ajour, and I believe there are 1 or 2 others.


WoWUP has that twitch feel and its a lot better


WoWUp.io is the one I see being parroted the most since people have a fairly strong distrust/dislike of Overwolf. I haven’t tried it personally but it’s the one I plan on checking out first when I get around to making the swap here shortly.


make the swap if you hit scan the add-on button it will add the add-on to the manager that you have

what did overwolf do? I never heard of this app before

they want to monetarize the add-on game


Not only that, but they were displaying ads over your games while using it.


lol so they took a page out of epic games play book lol
if they knowingly doing this then overwolf will have to face legal battles

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Started to look around for info a few days ago. I’m a data driven person and would like to gather more before I make my call as I tend to settle on an app and stick until/unless something dramatic happens.

Would you have an particular primary sources? I would welcome any hard info you can point me towards. All I’ve found in my first searches was forum posts with little information and much histrionics.


I posted a link earlier that has a screenshot of the information that gets sent. It’s more than anonymized data like they claim.

Wowup is probably the best option…if on mac os or Linux strongbox is good

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damn. i’ve been using twich app for addon for so long. I also like that they have cloud back up service so if I forgot to copy the addons to my usb before i travel I can always use the cloud back up.

I (and seems a lot of people it seems), recommend WoWup as an alternative.

The first time I heard of Overwolf was a couple years back in the Smite community, and even back then the media forums/reddit were against anything dealing with them.

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If you go to youtube, for example, and just type in Overwolf, you will see a few vids talking about it. I’m not sure myself what I will do but I know for sure that I don’t want any add on manager active at all when I am playing the game, and if it insisted on that it would be a deal breaker. As far as it doing any shady stuff, I’m not sure what that shady stuff would be.

I will continue using Twitch until it stops in early December. After that I know a couple of things for sure - one, I won’t be downloading and updating apps manually. I just can’t keep track of things manually and I certainly don’t want that forgetfulness interfering with the game because of LUA issues and so on. So I need an app manager that allows me to update quickly and smoothly and I’ll be unhappy if I can’t find that.

The issue with wowup is that it may be stopped from using Curseforge. If they get the apps from Github then they may not have access to all add ons, because Overwolf may have some form of requirement that app creators must not use other platforms. Things are still a bit up in the air but personally I’m just very frustrated that Twitch made this move and wish that Blizzard would create an app division that looked after app developers and provided a system that worked smoothly with its own game.


100% this. I hope blizzard have some offical platforms for managing addons. But I think their idea was to let addon developers create their own ecosystem.

Regarding add overlay, I just completely quit the app after updating my addons and I don’t see how they can pop up adds if the program is not running.


If people really want to stick it to Overwolf, all the addon developers have to do is move their addons to GitHub. GitHub is actaully where I got a lot of my SL beta addons. It’s a source code repository for all sorts of projects. One of the users uploads WoW’s UI source code to GitHub so other people can easy look it over.

Reading through the reddit I think they were just collecting usage data. Overwolf seems to be a gaming start-up that’s doing well. I personally dont’ like my data being collected but If I really care about privacy I’d uninstall steam, battlenet, Origin and even windows and move to linux. I don’t play games with the addon program open so popping up adds in game is not a concern to me. If overwolf actually manage to put an add on my screen after I quit the app then there is a real problem here.


It’s considered adware. They’re also trying to monopolize addons which is against TOS.

That sucks. Was just reading another thread saying overwolf is blocking WOWUP using curse’s api. If they are really creating monopoly and monetize the addon I hope blizzard can come out and stop this.

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