Overwolf destroyed one of our add-on apps

It’s how it was worded, so that’s why I took it that way. Thank you for explaining.

I never said you were. Let’s not get hostile.


I can’t help it overwolf rustles my jimmies <3

but I’m gonna get up and go outside with the dogs and look at the lake for a bit. sadly it’s too cold to stay out there long.


LOL fair enough! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That’s odd, I have never had that issue. I use the launcher for WoW and Minecraft, without any problems for the last year. I even keep it open during raids so I can run the wow combat log app built into it.

I know there is some history with it and overlays in another game but all in all my experience with it has been generally good. It works just like the old Twitch updater did and typically I close it after I do my mod update scan anyways (well unless I am raiding).

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Wish I could say that… a couple of days ago it was 94 here. :frowning:

What I wouldn’t give for that! I love heat.

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Wish I could send you some then. I’ll take cold anytime.

As someone who grew up in MI and has lived the last 20 years in FL, I would love to have some colder weather. Maybe we can swap some days :slight_smile:

I miss Airwolf.

But I don’t and won’t be using Overwolf. I just use Wowup. DBM and Details do a wonderful job of screaming at me every day to update my addons so I don’t really need a more active addon manager.

Oh, and I don’t use Elvui or a custom UI at all. That way it doesn’t break every time we have a content patch. Tried that during the EQ days and it got old in a very big hurry.

The only issue I had with it is when I had loaded the Warcraft Logs module/plugin to do realtime logging. That would cause my game to behave oddly (like my character would randomly run on it’s own, or not stop when I stopped moving it). As soon as I removed that module/plugin these issues went away. I have Overwolf set to close when I close it now (versus going to the tray and always running), and I’ve had no real issues with it using it that way. I just open it once a day or so and look for updates, and than close it and go about my day.

Ew… that’s way too humid. And you have hurricanes. I’ll pass. LOL


I have a similar issue but it is actually related to my Razor Tartarus game pad. They have a driver issue that some times causes remapped keys to stick.

I visited FL once a longtime ago I couldn’t handle the humidity. Now I live about 15 or 20 miles from Blizzard’s Irvine Campus.

I’ve been refraining from answering as I’m at work and it’s difficult to answer posts on my iPad. But this myth has been repeated 3 times now.

No. Blizzard does not own addon code. The addon author does , and they have that as soon as it’s in a tangible form. A court decision ruled that the function calls and variables that an API uses aren’t unique enough for them to be copyrightable. The actual code Yes. The part that an addon uses ? No.

In fact it is possible to write an addon that will load and work in wow with not a single bit of the Addon API. If you have any addons using wow ace you are in fact using it right now - it’s LibStub.

Generally all addons by default fall under an all rights reserved license until the author changes its license or releases it into the public domain.


This always cracked me up, when I moved to FL (from the midwest, and I moved to FL a few weeks prior to Hurricane Andrew, my welcome to FL gift) people were like OMG Hurricanes. I was like but you get DAYS in advance warning, you can literally go to the other side of the earth with the amount of warning you have. I grew up with Tornados and now live in CA with Earthquakes (both you get almost no warning), so yeah I can’t take the panic serious. But it was funny to watch everyone panic and binge buy water / wood.

Well seeing I grow up in MI, so I am use to humid weather. Hurricanes are something to worry about. I remember one summer a couple years ago where Orlando got hit twice in like two months. I just got my power back on (was out for almost 10 days) and another one came along and took it out again :frowning:

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I grew up in MS I hated humidity then and still do. I’ll take snow over humidity any day.

The EULA specifically states under User Created or Uploaded Content:

You hereby grant Blizzard a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, fully paid up, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, right and license to exploit the User Content and all elements thereof, in any and all media, formats and forms, known now or hereafter devised. Blizzard shall have the unlimited right to copy, reproduce, fix, modify, adapt, translate, reformat, prepare derivatives, add to and delete from, rearrange and transpose, manufacture, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, rent, lease, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, provide access to, broadcast, and practice the User Content as well as all modified and derivative works thereof and any and all elements contained therein, and use or incorporate a portion or portions of the User Content or the elements thereof in conjunction with or into any other material.

That is what I’m referring to. :point_up: Blizzard has all rights to your content.


I believe that refers to content within the game. Addons aren’t covered by the EULA.

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I doubt it will occur, but it would be curious if addons migrated to WoWInterface that updaters that aren’t Overwolf will always be able to update from